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According to Madison County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) spokesperson Major David Harper, the MCSO has received numerous requests from concerned citizens that have expressed a desire to offer donations to those who have been impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The Sheriff’s Office has been in the planning stages since the beginning of this event. On Wednesday, Aug. 30, the MCSO received information from the National Sheriff’s Association (NSA) and the Florida Division of Emergency Management that the State of Texas has yet to identify or request any items needed and at this point have no ability to handle any donations they receive.
Often during large-scale events such as the extensive flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey, First Responders in the affected areas are deployed for an extended time, creating hardships for the agencies with which they are employed, the first responders themselves, as well as community volunteers.
In response to this, the MCSO has identified several agencies that would appreciate donations of specific items to assist the first responders. Included in this group are local law enforcement, fire departments, EMS and volunteers, all of whom are dedicated to helping those in need within their communities. Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 5 the MCSO started accepting donations at their main office, located at 2364 W. US Hwy 90, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., until Friday, Sept. 8. They will resume accepting donations the following week, Monday, Sept. 11 thru Friday, Sept. 15, or until they fill a 15-foot tandem-axel trailer. Once the trailer is filled the MCSO will deliver the donations to the agencies that have requested their assistance.
The MCSO requests that donated items be packed in cardboard boxes and labeled, identifying the contents. The MCSO would like to thank everyone for their willingness to help those who are committed to helping others.
The items requested are:
Packs of T-Shirts
(various sizes)
Packs of Socks
(various sizes)
Packs of Underwear
(various sizes)
Trash Bags (large)
Zip Lock Bags
Dust Masks
Batteries (various)