Rick Patrick: Greene Publishing, Inc.
The famous American writer and humorist Mark Twain once said, “The plan of the newspaper is good; if you can't get a compliment any other way, pay yourself one.” That is exactly what the Florida Press Association (FPA) did during the recent Florida Media Conference, held at the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Fl. on Aug. 10 and 11. Each year, the FPA recognizes excellence in newspaper journalism for weekly newspapers through the Better Weekly Newspaper Contest. This year, Greene Publishing, Inc. brought home awards in four different categories; Investigative Reporting, Informational Graphics, Serious Column and Humorous Column.

Former Greene Publishing, Inc. reporter Selina Iglesias won third place in the Investigative Reporting category for her article “Madison County EMS rumored to change ambulance procedures.” Greene Publishing, Inc. Publisher and Columnist Emerald Greene Parsons won second place in the Serious Column category for her column on “The right to keep and bear arms.” Greene Publishing, Inc.’s Cheltsie Holbrook and Georganna Sherman won second place in the Informational Graphics category for their work on the “Be Still 4 Jessi” story on Jessica Mullinax. Greene Publishing reporter and columnist Rick Patrick won second place in the Humorous Column category for his column “From the sunny side... Santa works at the bank.”
The awards won by Greene Publishing, Inc. are the first awards won in several years. “I'm very proud of the people we have here [at Greene Publishing, Inc.], and I'm proud of the products we put out every week for the people of Madison County. These awards are not for just one or two people, but well-deserved recognition of the entire staff,” said Publisher Emerald Greene Parsons.
Greene Publishing, Inc. is proud to have been recognized on a state-wide level and remains committed to bringing the most informative newspaper possible to the citizens of Madison County and north Florida.