August 1, 1958 (60 Years Ago)
Jimmy Bevan is back home from Germany, where he served a hitch in the Army. He will go to Georgia Tech in September.
Mrs. W. S Cooper entertained the Thursday afternoon Bridge Club. Visitors were: Miss Whittie Dickinson, Mrs. T. C. Merchant and Mrs. T.J. Beggs, Jr. The club prize was won by Mrs. Roger Asbury and Miss Dickinson won the visitor's prize. The hostess served ices, small cakes and fruit punch.
The Fire Department was called to the Cleon Hiers home on the Valdosta Highway at 8 p.m. Thursday, where the barn was on fire. The blaze was quickly brought under control. Damage was estimated at about $100.
August 2, 1968 (50 Years Ago)
Fire burned the home of James Isaac Weatherspoon on Saturday, July 26, located about seven miles north of Madison. The house was completely destroyed when the Fire Department arrived. It was not known what caused the fire.
The wedding of Miss Mary Wainwright and Airman Dale Pulliam will take place Sunday, Aug. 4, at 3 p.m., in Pine Grove Baptist church. A reception at the church will follow immediately after the ceremony. All relatives and friends of the couple are invited.
The Tomlinson home in Livingston Spring Acres was the setting Thursday night of a miscellaneous shower given by Miss Ruth Tomlinson and Misses Clara Sue Smith and Christy Buchanan both of Day, complimenting Miss Sandra McLeod, bride-elect.
August 4, 1978 (40 Years Ago)
Freeman Brothers Warehouse saw tobacco sales up to their highest price in a year on Tuesday. Farmers were selling their choice tobacco for as high as $1.60 per pound. That's 10 cents higher than last year's top quality tobacco. There were 364,930 pounds of leaf sold, with total sales exceeding $542,912.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cruce, of Madison, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Bonnie Suzette, to Mr. Terry Cash Woodard, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Woodard, of Cherry Lake.
Dr. Phillip Dagostino and his family have recently moved into the Madison Community where Dr. Dagostino has an optometry office. Dr. Dagostino, his wife, Rita, and their four-month-old son moved from St. Petersburg where they had lived for eight years.
August 3, 1988 (30 Years Ago)
Teresa Stalvey, Dale Starling, Jeff Fletcher, Leo Gordie and Kim Walker are among a select group of student's chosen to work as peer counselors at NFJC this fall.
At a recent meeting of the Madison County School Board, Wesley Cole Agner Sr., a bus driver, was honored along with others for their dedication to education. Agner worked for the district for 23 years.
July 31, 1998 (20 Years Ago)
A lifetime dedicated to teaching children to "Love to Learn and Learn to Love" came to an end on Tuesday, July 28, as Jean Morris Coody, 77, of Madison died after a long battle with cancer.
The St. James Missionary Baptist Church honored their pastor and his wife, Rev. David and Charye DeLaughter, with a 20th Anniversary Appreciation banquet on June 27, 1998, held at E&J Restaurant. Guest speaker for the banquet was Rev. C.C. Curry, who gave the audience a challenging and inspirational message.