Nancy Taylor: Greene Publishing, Inc.
A Women’s Pregnancy Center (AWPC) started serving Madison County under the name of Life Line many years ago; however, due to lack of training for the volunteers, it was on the brink of closing when AWPC of Tallahassee came alongside the Madison Center in 2007 and trained all of the volunteers.
Sharon Morris came to Madison as the Director of AWPC on Feb. 9, 2010. Since her arrival, the number of clients served and the services offered has increased significantly.
In 2016, AWPC served 115 clients. That number included clients coming in for pregnancy tests (which are provided free of charge), peer counseling, and post-abortion guidance. This increase to 115 clients in 2016 represents a 40 percent increase in pregnancy tests from 2015 and a 60 percent increase in the number of appointments.
Young women who participate in the peer-counseling program have the opportunity to visit the Moms’ and Babies’ Room at the end of each session where they can receive maternity clothes, diapers, baby clothes, or other needed baby items.
AWPC is a non-profit ministry that operates under the oversight of a board of directors. Current members of the board include Rev. Mickey Starling, chairman; Susan Bembry, Mark Branham, Shirlie Faglie, Freddie Howard, Rev. Ferrill Morris, JerriAnn Webb, and Sharon Morris, Center Director.
There are three ways AWPC receives financial support. One way is through the Walk for Life held each Spring. The second means of support comes from the “Baby Bottle Campaign.” These bottles are usually distributed through churches to congregants who fill them with loose change. Once a bottle is full, it is returned either to the church (and the church returns it to AWPC), or the individual can bring the donation directly to the Center, which is located at 325 NW Marion St., in Madison.
The third major fundraising event is an annual banquet held in the Fall during which Director Morris gives an annual report of the services provided by the office. Frequently, the banquet features the personal testimony of a young lady who received help and encouragement from AWPC.
If you would like to learn more about AWPC, fill a baby bottle with loose change, or if you need the Center’s help, you may call the office at (850) 973- 6970, visit the website at or e-mail