Mickey Starling
Madison native, Christy Bass Adams, has released her first book, “Learning As I Go: Big Lessons From Little People.” The book is a collection of stories that revolve around her children, who were helpful in teaching Adams valuable life lessons. “The stories are everyday lessons that caused me to have those ‘stop me in my tracks’ moments,” said Adams.
The 75 stories are presented as devotions for parents to learn and laugh from as they read. The devotions will offer questions that will help parents think more deeply about the issues portrayed in each chapter. Readers can pre-order hardback editions at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. Ebooks are available at Kobo, Apple, Barnes and Noble and Amazon. Adams will also have books available at Madison Books, on Range Avenue, in Madison. Also, Adams will provide personalized copies by request. To order a copy, email Adams at christybassadams.com.