Alan Whigham has been announced as the new Madison County Emergency Management Director. His first day was Monday, June 15. “I feel that it is a honor and privilege to serve as the director and I am looking forward to representing Madison through what Emergency Management has to offer,” said Whigham. “I am also looking forward to serving as a liaison between the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) and Madison County.” He has been in law enforcement for 26 years. He is a certified EMT and ham radio operator. He worked with the City of Miami Police Department from 1989-1997. During that time he worked as a patrol officer, was an officer in the plain clothes unit and was a police diver.
He has been with the Madison County Sheriff’s Office since 1997. His jobs included patrol deputy, school resource officer, court services, police diver and SWAT/SERT member. Whigham already has ideas on how to expand the Madison County Emergency Management. “My first priority is to make sure there are no communication gaps with other local agencies, such as the Sheriff’s Office, EMS and Fire Rescue,” said Whigham. “My second priority is to make sure that Emergency Management is taking an active part in serving Madison County and meeting our expectations to the fullest.” Whigham is the son of the late John Ed Whigham and the late Emma Whigham. He grew up in Miami and moved back to take care of his parents after they moved to Lee. His father was originally from Lee. Whigham has been married to his wife, Kim, for 16 years and they have two sons: Ben and Johnathan.
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1. Alan Whigham.