Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Nu Omega Omega Chapter is dedicated to serving the local community and working with community members to provide programs and services that make a significant impact on protecting the environment. Under the Enhance Our Environment Initiative, the chapter is focused on tree planting, community and home gardening, waste reduction and shred/electronic device recycling. During the month of April, eco-friendly activities were held to promote the adoption of more sustainable and responsible environmental practices.
In recognition of Earth Day, which is observed annually on April 22, the chapter engaged local youth to share their ideas on waste reduction efforts. By expanding on the 2023 Earth Day campaign, “Invest in Our Planet,” the chapter hosted a poster contest with the theme, “Invest in Our Planet: Reduce Household Waste.”
The contest was open to fourth, fifth and sixth grade students in Madison County. Participants were asked to create an original work that illustrated how individuals and communities can reduce, reuse and recycle household waste to enhance the environment for future generations. More than 50 students entered the contest.
The winners of the contest were announced on Saturday, April 15 and were invited to participate in the Madison Down Home Days parade as honored guests of Nu Omega Omega Chapter and the Madison County Solid Waste and Recycling Department. An awards ceremony was held on Saturday, April 22, during the Madison Down Home Days festival. The contest winners, beginning with first place were: Axel McIntire, Amelia Golimbievsky, Rubee Wheeler, Sophi Ramirez and Baylin Holley. Prizes were awarded in the amount of $50 for first place, $35 for second place, $25 for third place and $15 each for fourth and fifth place. The prizes were sponsored by the Madison County Solid Waste Management and Recycling Department. The first through third place posters will be displayed in the Madison County Courthouse Annex.
Nu Omega Omega Chapter would like to congratulate the winners and thank all contestants for their participation. Words of appreciation are expressed to the Madison County Solid Waste Management and Recycling Department for sponsoring the cash prizes and supporting the Enhance Our Environment Initiative. The Chapter would also like to thank the Madison County Chamber of Commerce for their assistance during the poster contest.
Tree planting along with community and home gardens were emphasized in observance of National Arbor Day (April 28) and National Gardening Day (April 14). Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Chapters will track and measure the collective environmental impact of the sorority’s largest tree planting effort to date planting at least 3,100 trees yearly. Additionally, chapters and individuals will create community and home gardens to reduce negative environmental impact and promote sustainable agriculture.
To promote these focus areas, Nu Omega Omega hosted a booth in the Down Home Days festival on Earth Day. Five hundred cypress trees and 100 vegetable plants were given away to attendees who stopped by the booth. Citizens who received the free trees and plants are asked to email pictures of the progress to Pictures may also be posted to Facebook with the hashtag #NuOmegaOmega and 1908EnhanceOurEnvironment.
The Chapter provided vegetable garden starts to the Madison County Senior Citizens Center during a garden planting event which provided herbs and fresh vegetables to cook at the center. Seniors received instruction about the plants and how to plant and care for the patio garden. These activities raised awareness of trees and helped provide an educational service on the role trees and gardening play in the environment.
In celebration of National Arbor Day, the members of Nu Omega Omega Chapter planted a tree at the Madison County Extension Office. This activity demonstrated support for environmental protection and joined the “green revolution” by planting a tree in honor of the Chapter’s Charter members.
A heartfelt thank you is extended to the citizens of Madison County for supporting the chapter’s programs. The members of the local chapter look forward to providing future programs and services to the community and would like to encourage all citizens to not only practice the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle household waste to decrease the volume of recyclable items sent to the county landfill but to also plant a tree and grow a garden.