Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc.
As part of the American Legion's Americanism program, a host of flags will adorn The Madison County Courthouse lawn from Saturday, May 19 to Saturday, June 16. Individuals and businesses that are interested in having a flag displayed should have their applications turned in to the American Legion's Cherry Lake Post 224 by Tuesday, May 1. Flags may be flown in honor of businesses, friends, family members, or former or present service members. The sponsorship fee is $50, which includes having the flag and a special certificate presented to participating sponsors at a “Business After Hours” event hosted by the American Legion on Wednesday, June 20.
Funds from the flag display help the American Legion to continue supporting the needs of vets as well as providing educational opportunities in schools and other organizations concerning the importance of the American flag and patriotism. These funds also help the American Legion to provide American flags to schools and civic organizations. Applications for flag sponsorship can be mailed to the American Legion's Cherry Lake Post 224, at 4383 NE Cherry Lake Cir., in Madison. Interested applicants may also email the Post at cherrylakepost224@gmail.com to schedule pick up of the application.