Emerald G. Parsons: Greene Publishing, Inc.
The Tuesday, April 17 Business After Hours was held last week at Big Bend Hospice, located at 275 W. Base St., in Madison.
Friends, community leaders, business owners/employees, chamber members and Big Big Hospice board members all gathered together to enjoy good food, fun, and fellowship. Hors d-oeuvres of shrimp, cheese and crackers, and sweet treats were served to all guests, along with a delicious punch.
Big Bend Hospice's mission is to provide expert health care, encouragement, hope, compassion, and companionship to those who are in need in Madison County and surrounding counties. They strive to remove the fear of the unknown and guide you through the difficulties of dealing with a life-limiting illness.

Big Bend Hospice presented three attendees with special door prizes. The lucky winners were (pictured left to right): Bryant Thigpen, Joanne Watson, and Nicole Lamar.
As your Hometown Hospice, they are neighbors taking care of neighbors. The care team works together to meet the physical needs of patients, and emotional and spiritual needs of their families. Their team stands willing to serve everyone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you would like more information about their services, call (850) 556-7491.
The next Business After Hours will be held at Greene Publishing, Inc. on Tuesday, May 15, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend and socialize with friends while enjoying delicious green finger foods and drinks. Greene Publishing, Inc. is located at 1695 S. SR 53, in Madison.

Business After Hours is always a popular place to gather and talk with old friends and make new friends. Pictured, while enjoying each other's company is (left to right): Betty Delaughter, Wanda Violet, and Myra Valentine.
These monthly Business After Hours events are held in hopes to help promote and ensure the advancement of the local community, in a fun-filled atmosphere designed to encourage networking and interaction while enjoying delectable food and drink. They are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the office location of a Chamber member. It's an opportunity for chamber members to form relationships, which strengthen community bonds; because people do business with people they know.
So, mark your calendar for Tuesday, May 15 and be sure to join your friends and neighbors at the Greene Publishing, Inc. newspaper office from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served, and door prizes will be given.

Big Bend Hospice employees and board members were all on hand during their recent Business After Hours event. Gathered together for a photo are (back row, left to right): Kim Brandies, Phyllis Williams, Linda O'Brian, Dr. Bob Auston and Michele Brantley. Pictured in the front row, from left to right, are: Myra Valentine, Kathy Bass, Dr. Gloria Auston, Betty Delaughter, Pam Williams and Deloris Jones.
"Business After Hours" events are free and open to the public.
Promoting Business * Promoting Madison County