First American Legion Hall will be having a blood drive on Saturday, Dec. 12 at Greenville Country Christmas beginning at 12 p.m. There will be a mobile donor unit that will be taking blood from anyone who wants to contribute to a great cause. American Legion stresses the importance of giving blood. Just a pint of blood can do so much for those who need it; according to the American Blood Commission, patients with the following diseases are the leading users of blood and blood components: cancer, heart disease, gastrointestinal disease, fractures and trauma, anemia, hemophilia, bone and joint abnormalities requiring surgery, lung and liver disease and bleeding disorders. Generally, people with good health ages 17 to 65 are eligible to donate blood. Each day, 15,000 donors are needed to meet the ongoing need for blood and its components, so volunteers are relied on heavily. At Country Christmas, individuals will be asked to fill out a questionnaire before donating. There will be special American Legion Blood Donor pins that will be given out to every individual donor, along with individual Blood Donor Certificates.
Blood Drive to be held
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