Early on in life, I discovered that I had a sensitive palette. For instance, in my world, milk was meant only for the cereal bowl and only in a specific quantity, so…
Category: Church
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Colonoscopies and other near death experiences
I’ve had my share of near-death experiences. I was predicted to be still born. Skipped that. I discovered that I couldn’t breathe under water when I was seven, but received a helping…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Caught between a window and a wet place
One fine Saturday afternoon, my brother and I were playing a bit of cat and mouse in the yard and if memory serves me right, I was the mouse. This was really…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Just another brick in the wall
As a child, the only thing better than getting into some horseplay with your buddies was to get into horseplay involving water. Water has a magnetic appeal that can draw you in…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Paying it forward
In the weeks and months that followed my father’s death, I found a new version of myself emerge that seemed light years away from the class clown I had been known as….
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: What happens when darkness falls
On Wednesday morning, Sep. 4, 1974, I decided to make an omelet for breakfast. My dad made some pretty good ones and I wanted to try my hand at them. I worked…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Sharp curves and thick heads
In the years leading up to the glorious day that I learned to ride a bike, I was traveling aboard a trike bike that was large and somewhat odd on the eyes….
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Keeping it real
During the middle school years, I continued my love-hate relationship with romanticism. I discovered in adulthood why I struggled so much to be myself around the ladies. I most likely knew much…
Family Day coming to Madison Church of God
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. On Saturday, Sep. 7, the Madison Church of God will be hosting a Family Day, a series of seminars that take aim at the many issues that…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: When wood-paneled station wagons invade
As a young lad, I grew up in church, though my parents took me only on occasion. They often had to work on weekends, so church attendance was sporadic. I was blessed…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Snakes on a bus
Having survived the trauma of being thrown half-naked from my hotel room as mentioned in a previous article, I was eager to have some fun of my own. Fear seemed to be…
MFBA churches help prepare schools for opening day
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The Middle Florida Baptist Association (MFBA) designated Monday, July 22, through Thursday, July 25, as “School Days” for the churches in their association. The days were set…
Local children travel “To Mars and Beyond”
Story submitted: Nancy M. Taylor Beginning on Monday, July 15, the children of New Testament Christian Center, Florida Sheriff’s Boys’ Ranch and several children from the community were transported “To Mars and…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Underwear nightmare
Generally speaking, vulnerability is a good thing. But, there are good ways to accomplish this and there are methods that are the making of nightmares. My most memorable experience was of the…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Flee from Alfred Lee
Though the story described below is factual, Alfred Lee is a fictional name used to protect the identity of any family members of the young man living in Madison. If your name…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: The fight is on
Fighting is not permitted at school but pencils are. So, since most boys in junior high are aspiring gladiators, it made sense for us to create a means of fighting to the…
Andrews updates area churches on Haiti mission
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Tessa Andrews will be speaking in several local churches to provide updates and information about her ministry in Haiti. Andrews teaches at Cite Lumiere Christian School, in…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: Beware of elephants in tights
My parents were not big on birthday parties, especially sleepovers. The one sleepover birthday bash I had was enough to last me a lifetime. Anticipation had been building for days and I…
Strickland releases first album
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Madison native Tara Strickland never set out to make music. The 2007 graduate of Madison County High School (MCHS) was more into sports, playing…
Childhood reflections with a touch of grace: My Super Bowl
My beloved cousins were always a great source of entertainment, even when we weren’t shooting each other with BB guns. Sometimes, just a game of football was all that was needed to…