Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. After spending a year in the impoverished nation of Haiti, Tessa Andrews can’t wait to get back to teaching at the Cite Lumiere Christian School, in Les…
Category: Church
Lovett Ladies Mission continues grandmother’s legacy
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Although Lovett Ladies Mission has only been ministering since 2017, the roots of the organization goes back decades. The group’s founder, Amanda Gillean, grew up in family…
Summer feeding donations needed
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The summer feeding program that began at the end of May, is doing well and blessing many children who might otherwise be hungry during the…
Cherry Lake United Methodist Church to host praise retreat
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Cherry Lake United Methodist Church invites you to join them for a summer praise retreat, on Friday, June 21, to Sunday, June 23. Friday service…
Through life’s pitfalls, Hughey celebrates recovery
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Tim Hughey grew up in Madison and believed his life was just fine. Exposure to alcohol, marijuana and pornography was common for a kid growing up in…
Hopewell Baptist Church welcomes new pastor
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Hopewell Baptist Church celebrated Easter on Sunday, April 21, with a new pastor. Billy Rice preached a sunrise service and the morning service for his first official…
Hopewell holds youth yard sale
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The youth of Hopewell Baptist Church will have a huge yard sale, on Saturday, April 13, beginning at 8 a.m. The yard sale will be held at…
Florida Baptist Disaster Relief wants you
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. Are you a volunteer with the Florida Baptist Convention Disaster Relief and want more training to master your ministry ability? Maybe you’re new to the ministry and…
Pulpit: We’ve Crossed a Line
Dr. Gary A. Cox, Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church We have crossed a line and the fallout will be cataclysmic for our nation. There is absolutely no doubt that those who demand…
A young mother’s perspective on choosing life
Story Submitted: Ashleigh Singletary When I got pregnant with you, I was terrified. So many thoughts and questions ran through my mind, like: How could I be a mother? How could I…
Breaking Stereotypes: Regardless witnessing
Last weekend, I attended the 61st running of the Daytona 500. It was my fifth time attending the “Great American Race,” as it is often called. The nearly four-hour race left me…
Baby bottle funds bless pregnancy center
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. After collecting baby bottles full of change from Baptist churches throughout the area, A Women’s Pregnancy Center Director Sharon Morris appreciates the financial blessing brought about through…
Schall coming to area churches
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Gospel Singer Dan Schall has two concerts scheduled in Madison County. Schall will be ministering at Cherry Lake United Methodist Church on Friday, Feb. 22, at 7…
Adam Crabb coming to Perry
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. In an effort to “stomp out hunger” and bring the gospel worldwide, Adam Crabb, member of the acclaimed Gaither Vocal Band, will be stopping in Perry, Fla….
Ready & Waitin’ Album Release Party
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. Jessica Ratliff and her family is set to release their second album next Friday and they’re inviting you to join them! On Friday, Feb. 22, at 6:30…
Mt. Zion to host fundraiser
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. In an effort to raise money for a youth department trip, Mt. Zion A.M.E. of Cherry Lake, is planning a fundraiser on Friday, Feb. 8. Everybody is…
Phillips bids Madison a loving farewell
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Judy Phillips will barely pose for a picture, much less brag on her accomplishments, which speaks loudly of her character. Phillips has served the Madison community tirelessly…
Father-Daughter dance slated for Feb. 23
Story Submitted Looking for an opportunity to spend some quality time with your child? The Junior Auxiliary of Madison is hosting its 10th Annual Father-Daughter Dance, Ties and Tiaras, on Saturday, Feb….
Deacon of the week: Joe Jones
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Joe Jones is the Chairman of Deacons at Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church, where he has been a deacon for five years. Previously, Jones served as a deacon…
Cherry Lake First Baptist Church plans fundraiser
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Cherry Lake First Baptist Church will be having a missions yard sale and bake sale on Saturday, Feb. 9, beginning at 8 a.m. and lasting until about…