If your church is having an event, please let us know, and we’ll tell everyone else. Please e-mail your church announcements to reporter3@greenepublishing.com or call (850) 973-4141. November 12 – 19 The…
Category: Church
Operation Christmas Child collection week slated for Nov. 12-19
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The Middle Florida Baptist Association (MFBA) serves as the drop-off location for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. Volunteers are needed to help with the collection process. The…
Midnight Cry coming to Mt. Olive Baptist Church
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Midnight Cry will be performing at Mt. Olive Baptist Church on Friday, Nov. 30, at 7 p.m. Group founder, Greg Day, along with his brother Chuck, penned…
Church Events
If your church is having an event, please let us know, and we’ll tell everyone else. Please e-mail your church announcements to reporter3@greenepublishing.com or call (850) 973-4141. November 1 Faith Baptist Church…
Ministry seeks to bless widows
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Denny Thomas is relatively new to Madison, but his concern for widows and orphans is nothing new. Thomas moved here six years ago, after living in Pasadena,…
Breaking Stereotypes: That’s my King, do you know Him?
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. In 2014, I took a Christ, Culture and University class at Southeastern University. All students were required to sign up to teach a customized and unique devotion…
Pastor Appreciation Day part of month-long celebration
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The observance of Pastor Appreciation Day, which is just one portion of October’s Pastor Appreciation Month, was brought into national prominence with the help of James Dobson’s…
Pinetta locals prepare for Founders Day
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. Founders Day at Hickory Grove United Methodist Church is just a short time away and things are quickly coming together. Just a few weeks ago, approximately 40…
Madison Church of God presents Fourth Annual Pumpkin Patch
Rick Patrick: Greene Publishing, Inc. What is quickly becoming a fall tradition for Madison County returns on Saturday, Oct. 6, when the Madison Church of God brings their Pumpkin Patch to the…
Greenville church to host tailgate party
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. Bryant Thigpen with St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church is excited to announce their first-ever tailgate party on Saturday, Oct. 6, beginning with lunch at 12 p.m., featuring…
28th Annual Founder’s Day announced
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. This year marks 28 years that Hickory Grove United Methodist Church has held the Annual Founder’s Day Celebration. The celebration will be held on the third Saturday…
Jellystone Park Jam returns to Madison
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. The highly anticipated multi-day gospel music event, the fourth annual Jellystone Park Jam, is returning to Madison and gospel music’s finest artists, duos and groups will be…
Harmony Baptist Church announces homecoming
Story Submitted On Sunday, Sept. 9, you are invited to attend Harmony Baptist Church’s homecoming service, beginning at 11 a.m. Special music will be provided by Brian Norris. A history of the…
Greenville church to host ventriloquist act
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. Pastor Bryant Thigpen and St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church, in Greenville, is inviting the Madison County and surrounding community to come ready to laugh out loud with…
Jeslamb A.M.E. to celebrate Dual Day
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. Jeslamb A.M.E. Church is inviting you to celebrate Dual Day services on Sunday, Aug. 19, at 11 a.m. The speaker will be Minister Nikita Wiggings, of St….
Marriage is meant to reflect our spiritual life
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Petty problems sometimes act as spotlights to deeper issues. I was recently watching a pastor who was discussing a fight he had with his wife over closing…
Local church to hold public gathering
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. New Hope Primitive Baptist Church is inviting all citizens of Madison County and surrounding areas to their public gathering and lunch on Saturday, Aug. 4, from 11:30…
Madison County Ministerial Association plans back to school bash
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The Madison County Ministerial Association has planned a back to school bash for Saturday, Aug. 11, at Madison County Central School (MCCS). The event is scheduled to…
Greenville church announces young adult class
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. Bryant Thigpen has announced that his church, St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church, will now be offering a young adult class on Sunday’s beginning at 10 a.m. “I…
Local teens attend FCA mission trip
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Many kids spend their summer vacation goofing off, sleeping or staring into electronic screens until their eyes bleed, while others look for ways to meet a need….