Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Tessa Andrews grew up hearing stories about the plight of people living in Haiti. Her mother, Teresa Galbraith, made two mission trips to Haiti while Andrews was…
Category: Church
Summer feeding program relocates
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The summer feeding program for kids that began on Monday, May 28, at Mt. Nebo A.M.E. Church has relocated their distribution location to Sumpter James Park, on…
VBS fun coming your way
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. If you are having Vacation Bible School (VBS) or summer event at your church, send the information to reporter3@greenepublishing.com, so we can help get the word out….
Summer feeding program for kids begins this week
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. There are many children in our community that benefit from the meals they receive at school. With the onset of summer, those needs will not be met….
Kerwin Bell speaking in Live Oak
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Kerwin Bell, a former stand-out quarterback for the Florida Gators, will be speaking at the Live Oak Church of God (LOCOG) on Monday, May 21 at 7…
Local station continues to spread the Gospel
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. If you’ve tuned your radio to 91.7 FM lately, you have surely heard some uplifting tunes or some inspired preaching. W.A.P.B. has been blessing the airways in…
Pinetta First Baptist Church welcomes new pastor
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Pinetta First Baptist Church welcomes Michael Alan Bass as their new pastor. Bass held his first service on Sunday, May 13. Bass graduated from Southeastern Baptist Theological…
Madison Church of God holds movie night
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The Madison Church of God (MCOG) will have a movie night on Sunday, May 6, at 5 p.m. The movie, Samson, will be shown, with a love…
Hopewell Baptist Church holding gospel sing and fish fry
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The youth of Hopewell Baptist Church (HBC) will have a gospel sing and fish-fry on Saturday, May 5, at 5:30 p.m. Tickets for this fundraiser are $8…
Madison Church of God welcomes new youth pastors
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. After many prayers and interviews over the past two months, the Madison Church of God (MCOG) welcomes their new Youth Pastors: Pastor Terry and his wife, Mildred…
Madison Church of Christ holds gospel sing
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. In 2014, The Madison Church of Christ (MCOC) relocated to the former Madison Presbyterian Church on Range Ave. to celebrate their new location and sanctuary, MCOC began…
Madison First Baptist Church holds “secret service”
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Don’t let the name fool you, because Madison First Baptist Church (MFBC) wants you to know about this “secret service,” which MFBC will be hosting on Friday,…
Passion Play a huge success
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The Madison Church of God (MCOG) was pleased to have large crowds in attendance for their three performances of The Madison Passion Play on Saturday, March 24,…
Grace Presbyterian ladies are dolling it up
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Grace Presbyterian Church’s (GPC) Ladies of Grace Offering Service (LOGOS) joined with “Dress a Girl Around the World,” a national ministry that provides clothing and dolls to…
Mt. Zion announces program
Story submitted Mt. Zion AME Church, in Cherry Lake, is sponsoring a “Women in History” program on Sunday, March 24, beginning at 11 a.m. Mt. Zion is inviting everyone to come out…
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church plans Holy Week services
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (SMEC) has a full slate of services planned for Holy Week, and you are invited to share the joy of this special time…
Holy Week schedule released
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. The Madison County Christian Ministerial Association has released the schedule for Holy Week services for Monday, March 26 to Friday, March 30. All services will begin at…
Madison Church of God plans Fall revival
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Bishop Anthony Pelt, State Administrative Bishop; and his wife, Lady Millicent Pelt, will be at the Madison Church of God (MCOG) leading revival services from Monday, Sept….
Homecoming in Sirmans
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc. Sirmans Baptist Church would like to invite the Madison County community and all who will join them for their homecoming services on Sunday, March 25. Services begin…
Madison First Baptist Church hosting Super Science Saturday
Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc. Madison First Baptist Church (MFBC) will be hosting Super Science Saturday on Saturday, March 24, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Lunch will be provided after the…