The clothes we wear speak volumes. They may point to an organization to which we belong, the type of work we do, or our bank balance. When it comes to the worship…
Category: Editorials
From the Sunny Side: A “Mr. Rick” day – I promise I really was working
Since the Good Lord above, in His infinite wisdom, saw to it that the universe would be better off if I never had any kids of my own, I have experienced great…
Passing Parade: Give me a break!
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist A New York City nonprofit group, flush with millions in private capital, is piloting a first-of-its-kind savings program to help Harlem children with a $10,000 foundational fund…
The Game of Life: College Edition Lying in wait
On Wednesday, maybe even as you’re reading this, I will get to know whether or not I am free from the brace for my broken hand or not! As I am waiting…
If you’re feeling hopeless
After I battled depression and an eating disorder for more than two decades, many (including mental health professionals) believed I might never get well. My hope was fading. Then, the phone rang….
National Security: Janitor
Graduating from high school in 1966, I received an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), just north of Colorado Springs. The four years I spent at the Academy were…
Learning As I Go: The squirrel
I yell at squirrels. Yes, I’m one of those. They can’t hear me from inside my car, I know, and they wouldn’t be able to understand human anyway, but still, I yell…
God blesses doers
Society admires and rewards people who are doers; the achievers get the reward. James discusses the need to be more than a “hearer of the Word” implanted, they must “prove [themselves] doers…
From the Sunny Side: Reaping what we sow
I heard something this morning that bothered me. I know that most of the time, I make every attempt I can to keep our visits “light” and positive. I figure there are…
Passing Parade: Molly Pitcher, Heroine
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist During the Battle of Monmouth, in 1778, one woman stands forth as the foremost American military heroine. That woman was Molly Pitcher. Her deeds are set in…
The Game of Life: College Edition Walk through not around
This Sunday’s church service was a special one, as my friend and I both got to attend after not being able to for a couple of weeks. The message was something that…
It is with heartfelt gratitude …
Have you lost a loved one who died serving our country in the military? If so, please accept my most sincere condolences. And my deepest gratitude. I can’t begin to understand…
National Security: Carver
Last weekend, President Biden delivered a commencement address to the graduates at the famous Morehouse College in Atlanta. It was controversial. Some students turned their back on the president, a sign of…
Learning As I Go: It’s just not the same
Middle school has been a big adjustment for my oldest. He went from being in a small, community school with 125 students in the school, to being in a larger school with…
Implanting “the Word” changes lifestyle
After making his comments concerning controlling our anger, James makes a proverbial statement about one’s lifestyle displaying the righteousness of God. He states that for someone to save their soul they must…
From the Sunny Side: Is it September yet?
This time of year always hits me in a funny way. While the kids are excited about summer break, graduation and the like, I feel almost like a kid on the day…
Passing Parade: Be the change
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist How did you learn about the Iran-contra affair? The odds are that you first discovered it through the diligent research efforts of one tenacious journalist. That journalist…
The Game of Life: College Edition – Your time will come
I was recently able to take a quick trip to Madison to spend time with my family before the summer semester started, and it was amazing! I love spending time with not…
Practice believing the best of others
“Peter wants a divorce,” my friend Stacey said, taking quick breaths. It pained me to see her struggling to keep from falling completely apart. “I’m so sorry.” When our eyes met, her…
National Security: Longleaf
The longleaf pine is well-represented in our area of North Florida, but in other areas of the southeast, it is rare. That was not always the case. Three centuries ago, the Longleaf…