Each December, my heart turns toward reflection. I find myself looking back at the year, examining the goods and bads, asking myself if I handled situations correctly or investigating ways to improve…
Category: Editorials
God or wealth
In His sermon, when talking about our life’s priorities, Jesus states a principle His followers must keep in mind. Jesus says a person cannot have two masters; they must choose their priority…
From the sunny side: Santa works at the bank
This week, “From the Sunny Side” is a “Best of” column from December of 2016. I hope you enjoy and may this holiday season be a safe and wonderful one for you…
Passing Parade: Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist Dear Editor- I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in the Sun,…
The Game of Life: College Edition – Where does your loyalty lie?
Buckle up for this one, I might make some people mad. On March 27 of this year, Governor DeSantis passed a bill that basically allows students from public, Title 1 schools to…
Let’s “fall on our knees” this Christmas
As a little girl, I spent delightful moments singing about the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. I gazed at our small nativity scene. I loved looking at all the characters…
National Security: Bethlehem
The coming weekend marks the start of our Christmas celebration. Sunday is Christmas Eve, and churches all over our community will gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ twenty centuries ago…
Learning As I Go: Continuing to make my own happy
Last week’s column generated many responses from my readers. I’ve heard from folks all over the place who are working hard to make their own happy. From decorating when they felt Scroogey,…
Focusing our eye
Using a metaphor, Jesus uses our physical eye to make a point about where our focus is in life. (Matthew 6:22, 23). He says, “The eye is the lamp of the body”…
From the sunny side: Christmas trees
I readily admit that I am a big sucker for Christmas traditions. This time of year has always been my favorite. Even at a somewhat advanced age, I can still bring to…
Passing Parade: The Big Bend cut-up
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist Judge has squashed Big Bend’s “Home Rule,” or at least he thinks he has. Yes, Judge J. Lee Marsh of the Florida 2nd Circuit Court has issued…
The Game of Life: College Edition – CrossF(amily)
Well, I have made it back to Madison yet again! It feels good to be home and have the opportunity to be with my family. Today’s column, however, is about the family…
Prepare to see ‘that’ family member this holiday
You love your family. But truth be told, you’re just not excited about seeing one or two members at your next holiday get-together. There’s nothing horribly wrong with them. They just rub…
National Security: EVs … once again
The Biden Administration has set a goal that all new light-duty vehicles manufactured by 2027 be Electric Vehicles (EVs) and that two-thirds of all new vehicles be electric by 2032. California has…
Learning As I Go: Make your own happy this holiday
During Sunday service, an older lady sang a solo. As she sang, I watched her closely. Happiness and joy radiated from her face, voice and body. She meant every word. She felt…
Our treasure locates our heart
As an introduction to talking about trusting God, Jesus speaks about our material possessions and how much value we place upon them. He says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will…
From the sunny side: Thermostats
There are many things one learns when one is no longer living by one’s self. The subject of thermostat settings can be a source of fun and bewilderment. Of course, I am…
Passing Parade: F.D.R.’s war plans
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist The blueprint for President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plans for getting the U.S.A. involved in WWII was announced on the front page of the Chicago Tribune. Yes, on…
The Game of Life: College Edition – Granny Doris (Darz)
There are many relatives in life that you are closer to than others. Growing up, I adored visiting and being around my Granny Doris (which I have pronounced “Darz” since I was…
When insecurities or ambitions sabotage our relationships
Do you suffer from low self-esteem? Do you pine for the pat on the back from your boss and the applause from your peers that never happens? You hide it well, but…