Tomorrow is the 82nd anniversary of the Japanese attack which launched the United States into World War II. The surprise attack caught America off-guard. Most of the 160 million Americans (about half…
Category: Editorials
Learning As I Go: Church kids
I attended the Christmas Cantata at First Baptist Church. The choir did a beautiful job, as always. During the singing, memories from growing up at that church flooded my mind. Some of…
Smiley face hides fasting face
Continuing His sermon, Jesus speaks to the crowd about their bodily appearance when they are fasting (Matthew 6:16-18). He says the pious action of fasting should be done in secret. These comments…
From the sunny side: Grinches among us
I am not one to allow the complaints of others alter what I do, especially when it comes to things that I do that really should not greatly affect others. Case in…
Passing Parade: Making your choice
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist “The poor will always be with you.” John 12:8. That is not very encouraging. Not very uplifting. Not very hopeful. What to Do? The Feb. 22, 1854…
The Game of Life: College Edition – Full send
This time of year is typically the most hectic for college students because of finals in between Thanksgiving and Christmas break. That being said, I set a goal for myself to still…
When you’d rather skip Christmas this year
Losing someone you love is incredibly hard. And now the holidays are upon you. That empty chair, with all its memories and sentiment, now seems to be the largest piece of furniture…
National Security: End Game
As the second anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine War approaches, the front in the east wrapping around to Crimea has settled into a stalemate where neither side makes much, if any, progress. The…
Learning As I Go: Decorating
This year is special. It’s the first Christmas in our new home. The home I’ve dreamed of for over a decade. The home it took years to build. During construction, I already…
Forgive to be forgiven
Concluding the portion of the Sermon on the Mount dealing with prayer, Jesus makes a very vital, but intriguing statement. In summary, He says, if a believer wants to be forgiven by…
Passing Parade: A cranberry story
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist Revolutionary War veteran Henry Hall is credited with starting commercial cranberry production on Cape Cod in 1816. Cranberries remain Massachusetts’ top food crop, supporting thousands of jobs…
From the sunny side: I’m not “Superman”
It may sound alarming and unusual, but there are times when I need to take my own advice. I am reminded of the adage, “Take my advice, I’m not using it.” This…
Thanking God for His amazing love
What lies do we tell ourselves regarding our choices and the changes we need to make? How often do we choose to ignore one of the most important facts in God’s Word…
National Security: Thanksgiving
Many times in this column space, I write about history and biblical topics. Our heritage is frequently forgotten, overlooked, ignored or falsely altered. I try my best to set the record straight….
Learning As I Go: Thanksgiving
As Thanksgiving approaches, my mind is filled with memories from childhood. Every Thanksgiving Thursday, we alternated years between grandparents. Then the Friday afterward, we went to the other grandparent’s home. My dad’s…
From the sunny side: Always thankful
I saw a sign in a local eating establishment that said (and I may be paraphrasing here), “There is always a reason to be thankful.” As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I…
Passing Parade: Local Action=National Impact
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist A woman from Sarasota is shaking up the education establishment in Florida. Perhaps you’ve heard of her? She is Mrs. Bridget Ziegler. After observing what her first…
The Game of Life: College Edition – Breaking bread
This Sunday’s message in church was centered around the concept of meals. When discussing the Bible, most Christians immediately think of the meal shared by Jesus and his disciples before He was…
Do we crave God’s presence?
Are we, individually and as a church, truly experiencing God’s presence? Jesus said, “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by…
National Security: End game
As the second anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine War approaches, the front in the east wrapping around to Crimea has settled into a stalemate where neither side makes much, if any, progress. The…