Friday, I took our cats to get spayed and neutered. One of the instructions was to let them sleep inside one night before allowing them to go back outside. We prepped the…
Category: Editorials
The content of our prayers
Continuing the subject of prayer in His sermon, Jesus gives a model for how people should pray (Matthew 6:9-12). After instructing the crowd about not praying to be seen of men and…
From the sunny side: Ghosts of Thanksgivings past
I know this one is a bit early, but for some reason, I have been thinking of Thanksgiving a lot recently. The fact that I have been looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner…
Passing Parade: Destroying the Big Bend
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist If the courts would get out of the way, the Big Bend congressional district would survive. Right now, the courts seem to think that an historical community…
The Game of Life: College Edition – Almost there
Happy Friday everyone! We are so close to Thanksgiving and I don’t know about y’all, but I am so excited to come home and spend some time with my family (and eat…
Thinking of our veterans and future vets
How did you spend your week? Perhaps you fellowshipped at church, enjoyed lingering meals with your family and had fun bonding with friends while watching your favorite movies on Netflix. How do…
National Security: Israel
The modern state of Israel is now 75 years old, created in 1948, about the time I was born. Its antecedents are much older, going back to the 32nd chapter of the…
Learning As I Go: Grieving
We always hear the importance of grieving. “Make sure you grieve,” is a common phrase after someone passes. “Give yourself grace and permission to grieve,” is another one. Grief is not an…
Praying to impress God, not people
Jesus addresses people praying as another example of doing religious things to impress people (Matthew 6:5-8). He talks to the crowd about praying in secret (in the closet); praying using meaningful words…
From the Sunny Side: November
I recently saw a social media post from a friend that showed the month of November with all the dates after Thanksgiving circled and labeled, “Christmas season.” It also had the dates…
Passing Parade: Finish the job
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist On Thursday, Oct. 5, President Joe Biden announced that he was going to “fast-track” 17 miles of new construction of a barrier wall along the border of…
The Game of Life: College Edition Reading the room
Every week, my coach sends out the practice plan, along with the quote of the week. This year, she started sending out questions to answer along with the quote that we turn…
Washing dishes with a cheerful heart
Cleaning the kitchen, scrubbing toilets and mopping floors often feels like an interruption to my schedule. And my attitude while doing these chores often shows, especially when I’m exhausted. One day, in…
National Security: All Saints
Today is All Saints’ Day. Many churches, such as the Episcopal, Catholic, AME. and Methodist, use this occasion to honor the church triumphant in Heaven, with the souls of many saints. This…
Learning As I Go: Losing my other granny
At eighteen, my grandmother left her small town of Glen Rogers, W. Va., with only a small suitcase of essentials, and headed to Washington, D.C. No job. Nowhere to live. Only the…
Motive for charitable giving
In His first illustration of people practicing their righteousness to be seen of men, Jesus talks about giving to the poor (Matthew 6:2-4). He describes both the correct and incorrect motive for…
From the sunny side: Beauty when we needed it the most
To say the world has been in a tough spot over the past couple of weeks would be the “Mother of all Understatements.” To see and hear some of the horror stories…
Passing Parade: A buffet of license plates
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist In Florida, our Sunshine State automobile license plates can say much about us, our values and those causes we hold dear. Over 10 percent of just more…
Have you been broken by sin?
Do you know someone who reminds you of a broken doll that needs to be returned to the toy factory? So brokenhearted from their mess-ups that their spirits are crushed? Someone so…
National Security: Florida Forestry
The Florida Forestry Association reminded me that this week is Florida Forestry Week, and it would be a good idea to write about the subject, not only because it is important to…