I had the wonderful privilege of spending last week at Florida Christian Writers Conference, on the beautiful Lake Yale campus. Yearly, I plan for and anticipate this trip and depend on this…
Category: Editorials
A righteousness to be seen by God
As Jesus makes a topical transition in His sermon on the mount, He now informs His listeners that they are not to “practice [their] righteousness before men to be noticed by them”…
From the sunny side: October’s here
During the hot days of this past summer I often told people to remember that “October’s coming.” This was my way of assuring folks who may have been uncomfortable with the heat…
Passing Parade: Boomers may be last with a Southern drawl
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist “Bid farewell to the Southern twang.” “Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But Georgians are high-tailing away from that grits-and gravy drawl faster than a scalded dog.”…
The Game of Life: College Edition – Chopping wood
This past weekend, I had the amazing opportunity to come home for the first time since school started. I needed a reset, and being with my family helped tremendously. While at home,…
Are you going through a difficult time?
“Hi, Emma. I’m calling to see how you’re doing.” “I’m doing okay. Thanks for checking.” Her voice was somber but strong. “It’s been tough. My car broke down – again. But the…
National Security: Gaza
The Middle East is aflame again. On Saturday, October 7 (Yom Kipper Sabbath), Hamas launched an attack from their border into Southern Israel. They came on all modes of transportation to largely…
Learning As I Go: Skating through life
My sons were invited to a birthday party at a skating rink. Immediately, I was taken back to middle school, back when rollerblades were the best thing ever. My brother could rollerblade….
Living Like the Heavenly Father
If one is to have a righteousness that surpasses the righteousness of the “scribes and Pharisees,” then they must use “the heavenly Father” as their example. This is the conclusion Jesus reaches…
From the sunny side: Freebirds
I am sometimes reminded that I am not nearly as young as I once was. That was once again brought to my attention last weekend. I had my 45th reunion with the…
Passing Parade: Parental Rights Champion found
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist “First comes the jolt,” says Michael Farris, of his 1980 experience as his oldest daughter began attending kindergarten at an elementary school in eastern Washington State. Farris…
The Game of Life: College Edition Roll the stone away
This Sunday was a special church/spiritual day for me. It was the first time that I’ve been to church on my own, which was somewhat intimidating. However, my church is my home…
Are you a secretly depressed Christian?
For almost 30 years, I struggled with clinical depression and suicidal thoughts. For 26 of those years, I was a born-again, Bible-believing Christian. Which means, off and on, for 26 years, I…
National Security: Forgotten man
In his 1932 campaign for president, Franklin Roosevelt frequently invoked the theory of the “forgotten man,” someone poor and dispossessed, left adrift in the wake of the Great Depression. FDR said, “These…
Learning As I Go: Even in the Holy
I decided to apply the vinyl lettering to my stairs today. Sixteen stairs couldn’t take that long—two hours, tops. I rolled out the scripture on the table and cut out the phrases…
Loving both friend and foe
In His sixth “You have heard it said,” quotation, Jesus is telling the crowd that they must love not only their friends, relatives and fellow citizens; but, they must also love their…
From the sunny side: I hate Auto-coreckt
When I was a younger lad in elementary school, I was always pretty good at spelling. In fact, subjects such as English and language arts were always much easier than the more…
Passing Parade: “Big Bend Community” Illegal?
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist No more “Big Bend Community?” That’s what Judge J. Lee Marsh, of the Tallahassee part of the State 2nd Circuit Court declared. The judge’s Sept. 2, 2023…
Learning As I Go: Breast cancer warriors
I woke up the first day of October and searched through my closet. There, on my top shelf, was my pink shirt. I changed my wedding band out for a pink silicone…
Madison Strong is more than a slogan
Shortly after Hurricane Idalia paid our area a visit, some of the talking heads in the national media began preaching doom and despair for the folks in Madison and Taylor Counties. It…