Matthew 22:34-40 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment…
Category: Editorials
National Security: IG
Often in the news, the term ‘inspector general’ or IG will pop up with reference to an internal government agency investigation. This isn’t common in the private sector, but in government circles,…
From the sunny side… Lucky
Today is Friday the 13th. Today is one of only two Friday the 13ths this year, the other being in July (In all the other months, Friday the 13th occurs on a…
Take Charge of Your Money
When it comes to money, you’re in the driver’s seat, and it is up to you to manage it. Where does your money go? Do you let it slip out of your…
Christian Concepts: What is a spiritual advisor?
Just what are the responsibilities of a spiritual advisor? To whom are they accountable? Tony Perkins, when asked about President Trump’s indiscretions, said the president deserves a “mulligan.” He used a golf…
From the sunny side… Front porches
This past weekend, I had the chance to go down to Perry and visit with my sister. I always enjoy going down for a visit, just to touch “home base.” Often when…
It’s Financial Literacy Month
April is National Financial Literacy Month, a designation passed by the U.S. Congress to raise public awareness about the importance of financial education. Everyday, Americans make financial decisions that affect long term…
National Security: Advice and consent
With barely a year in office, President Trump is shuffling his cabinet and other key officeholders. Given that he hosted a prime-time reality show on NBC for nine years highlighted by the…
Emerald’s Gem Box: The Pledge of Allegiance
One Nation Under God “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and…
From the sunny side… A small town Friday night
Rick Patrick: Greene Publishing, Inc. There are times when a feeling hits me, and I take it upon myself to attempt to use my words to paint a picture of what I…
Letter to the Editor: Senator Montford reflects on 2018 legislative budget
The State of Florida experienced many trials in the past several months. Hurricanes swept across the state leaving unprecedented destruction in their wake. A school shooting devastated families in Broward County and…
Emerald’s Gem Box: Gun laws didn’t save Jaelynn Willey
On Tuesday, March 20, another tragedy occurred; this time in Great Mills, Md. At 7:55 a.m., 17-year-old Wyatt Rollins walked into the school hallway and shot his ex-girlfriend, Jaelynn Willey, in the…
Christian Concepts: Stephen Hawking has died
“It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,”(Hebrews 9:27). This verse is a stark reminder that no one gets out of this life alive; neither did…
From the sunny side… Spare parts, part deux
Last week, I talked about troubles with my vehicle and how I was slowly getting a new vehicle, one part at a time. That hasn’t changed, I still feel that is what…
Passing Parade: Designated Teachers
Nelson A. Pryor: Guest Columnist “The 8 x11-inch box sits atop a bookshelf in the school district headquarters, as much a part of the office furniture as the manila folders, yearbooks, and…
National Security: Winning the Peace
I’m currently reading Ron Chernow’s thousand page tome on Ulysses S. Grant. Chernow is an excellent biographer. Years ago, I read his work on Alexander Hamilton. I’m in the last third of…
Emerald’s Gem Box: Back The Blue
The first thing a person does when he or she is in danger, and needs assistance, is dial 911. A law enforcement officer will show up at your door, or wherever your…
From the sunny side… Spare parts
I drive an old vehicle. Actually, a 2006 Jeep Liberty I inherited from my father. It has been a very good vehicle, as evidenced by the fact that it has over 250,000…
Reduce fat and sugar in your diet
Since March is National Nutrition Education Month, let’s continue our focus on making positive food choices. The USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans has a full chapter on foods Americans need to work…
Emerald’s Gem Box: My Mom – My Blessing
My mother has always been one of the most Christian, caring, sweetest and generous women that I know. I am confident other people who know her would say the same thing. While…