Easter is this weekend and that means many of you will be dyeing eggs for decoration and egg hunts. These days, there are so many interesting ways to dye and decorate eggs….
Category: Editorials
Florida TaxWatch: Florida’s Mental Health Services underfunded, but making a difference for patients
Even with a shrinking budget, Florida’s mental health treatment system provides positive outcomes for Floridians with mental health issues, according to an independent analysis from the Florida TaxWatch, however, the watchdog group…
National Security: Stray Vectors
Editor’s Note: “Stray vectors” is the author’s byline for random thoughts and rhetorical questions on the current scene. A recent study suggests that 50 percent of today’s occupations won’t exist in a…
Fire is everyone’s fight: Outside burning safety
As the weather changes, it turns warmer and many people start doing more outdoor burning to include yard debris, leaf piles or even bon fires at night. There are legal and safety…
Madison County Extension Service: Reduce your intake of fats and sugars
Since March is National Nutrition Education Month, let’s continue our focus on making positive food choices. The USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans has a full chapter on foods Americans need to work…
Christian Concepts: Providential Preservation
The trustworthiness of the Bible is under constant attack from its critics. Christians like myself believe the Bible to be a reliable guide for what we believe and how we should live,…
Conservative Corner: Dixie Highway
Before President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s “military” interstate highway system, of 1955, there were a few highways, created out of dirt that cobbled and tied together our nation. What comes to mind immediately,…
Madison County Extension Service: Adopt new eating habits
March is National Nutrition, a time to look at the foods you are eating and make changes for a healthful diet. “Bite Into A Healthy Lifestyle” is the theme, encouraging Americans to…
National Security: Remagen
Seventy years ago today, soldiers of the U.S. First Army were crossing the Rhine River over the Ludendorff Bridge near the town of Remagen, not far from the city of Bonn. The…
H4: Head, Heart, Hands & Health: The power of a minute… or 25
Does the concept of a Power Hour overwhelm you? Do you feel it is impossible to set aside an entire hour to devote to uninterrupted focus? Not to worry! Even dedicating just…
National Security: War Stories
Everyone who has been to war has stories they retain for the remainder of their lives. Some are told; others are just ‘filed away’ in a forgotten part of our mind, maybe…
Conservative Corner: U. S. spies on millions of cars
“The Justice Department has been building a national database to tract in real time the movement of vehicles around the U. S., a secret domestic intelligence-gathering program that scans and stores hundreds…
Know your enemy
The Obama Administration foreign policy is under scrutiny and criticism with events unfolding in the Middle East and across North Africa. Islamic extremism is on the rise, first by al-Qaeda and its…
Madison County Extension Service: Income Tax assistance at Madison Extension
Over 40 years ago, an accounting student at California State University saw a need to help moderate and low income citizens with tax returns. From that idea, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance…
Searching for Ambrosia: Cha..Cha..Changes
I have never been much of a carnivore. I did grow up eating meat, but it was never a favorite and when given the choice, I always choose vegetables and other sides…
Madison County Extension Service: It’s national Wear Red day
Today is a day to wear red in support of the movement for women to take charge of heart health, so don’t leave your house this morning without putting on a red…
Searching For Ambrosia: Like bees to honey
[inpost_fancy thumb_width=”200″ thumb_height=”200″ post_id=”415″ thumb_margin_left=”0″ thumb_margin_bottom=”0″ thumb_border_radius=”2″ thumb_shadow=”0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)” id=”” random=”0″ group=”0″ border=”” show_in_popup=”0″ album_cover=”” album_cover_width=”200″ album_cover_height=”200″ popup_width=”800″ popup_max_height=”600″ popup_title=”Gallery” type=”fancy” sc_id=”sc1423063943790″] Being a beekeeper is something…
Conservative Corner: Common Core disappoints again!
The headline is: “U.S. History Battle Flares in Classrooms, in your school.” Yes, blaring out from the Atlanta Ga. Journal-Constitution’s front page, on Jan. 16, is that breakfast broadside. It’s enough to…
Emerald’s Gem Box: We’ve changed our look
For the past few weeks our staff has been working on a complete makeover of our newspapers. From our logos, our front pages and our inside pages, we have changed the way…