We often tell our children and grandchildren, “Don’t worry about (your brother, sister, friend), worry about yourself!” Guilty! Sometimes, the child feels left out, sometimes the child does it out of insecurity…
Category: Letters to the Editor
Career Reflections
Health Care professionals have a major contributing factor in this growing world we live. The key to knowledge is to learn everything you can about the career field you wish to be…
Letter to the Editor: The Wardlaw-Smith house
To whom it may concern: A resident of Jacksonville, I travel to your town several times a year to visit my longtime friends, James Glaser and Wanda Violet, and have met many…
Letter to the Editor: Socialist Tissue
My nose was running like a faucet! I was in Europe and had come down with a cold like no other. Washcloth in hand, I went into a store to buy some…
Letter to the Editor: I have two points to make
You know I have two points in this letter to the editor. First is with Covid-19. Remember way back at the beginning of this virus when President Trump was accused of being…
Letter to the Editor: If you live in Madison County
If you live in Madison County, chances are that you have seen the monument residing there on the northeast corner of US-90 and Range Street. You have seen the four angels, arms…
Letter to the Editor: Teach your children (and grandchildren)well
Donald Trump has made the 2020 election about integrity, not politics. His daily narrative, laced with lies and misleading statements, requires his supporters to endorse and essentially adopt his shockingly barren value…
Letters to the Editor: Biden should have to debate before the first votes are cast
For a man who has been in politics for nearly 50 years, it seems incredible that Joe Biden is hoping to be elected president by voters who never even get a real…
Letter to the Editor: The Confederate Monument
Dear Editor: I don’t have a dog in this fight since I live in South Carolina. However, I would think the issue goes beyond the City of Madison, at least to the…
Letter to the Editor: Your slip is showing
Facebook (FB) is a strange world. It is a false world – not reality. We agree, right? When I got on board FB years ago, it was mainly to connect with high…
Letter To The Editor: My Perspective on Confederate Monuments & Its History
We have been going back and forth with this since forever as to why the 11 states departed, what their motives was, etc. So, I want to share facts, and afterwards, if…
Letter To The Editor: Real Talk
“How do YOU as a black person show that Black Lives Matter to you on a daily basis?” Who are we trying to convince that black lives matter? Once they are convinced,…
Letter to the editor: The charges of “racism” and “hatred”
The charges of “racism” and “hatred” levied at countless historical figures from George Washington to Teddy Roosevelt this past month have been brought against our very own memorial to fallen soldiers of…
Letter to the editor: An Open Letter to the People of Madison
I am heartsick to hear that there is any discussion about taking down the historic Solder’s Cenotaph in historic Madison. I denounce anyone who calls this memorial to veterans a symbol of…
Letter to the Editor: My thoughts as an American citizen
History — what happened in the past —- cannot be undone. We learn from it and we should embrace it because it teaches us something. Every action, every confrontation, every mistake, every…
Letter to Editor: Unchartered territory
This year our society has ventured into uncharted territory. Once again, we must all prepare for hurricane season, but this time we do so while faced with a full-scale global pandemic! As…
Letter to the Editor: Start your day off with a smile
A guy is driving around the backwoods of Montana and he sees a sign in front of a broken-down, shanty-style house: “Talking dog for sale.” He rings the bell and the owner…
Letter to the Editor: Pass it forward
After attending a meeting on Tuesday morning (no money required), I remembered that I needed a package of “pods” for the laundry that was waiting for me at home. I stopped by…
Letter to the editor: Valdosta’s Sewage spills “continue”
I think if these “spills” had been flowing into the streets of Valdosta, it would have stopped long ago. For years millions of gallons of raw untreated human feces (and all the…
Letter to the editor: Socialism and communism do not work
Freedom loving Americans won’t vote for communists…it’s the ones that love free stuff or those that don’t accept that Trump won the election and simply hate him. If their candidate wins, they…