Mickey Starling reporter3@greenepublishing.com On Saturday, March 22, four members of the Madison County High School (MCHS) Future Farmers of America (FFA) traveled to Lake Butler, Fla. to compete in livestock judging and…
Category: School
Livestock judging camp coming in July
Mickey Starling reporter3@greenepublishing.com Any Future Farmers of America (FFA) members interested in expanding their knowledge of livestock judging should mark their calendars for Wednesday, July 16, through Saturday, July 19. The University…
Madison County District holds Creative Writing Contest
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com The Madison County School District recently held the Madison County School District Creative Writing Contest for all of the Madison Schools with contests for grades, kindergarten through 12 grade….
MCCS hosts Career Day
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com On Tuesday, March 4, Madison County Central School (MCCS) sixth through eighth graders experienced Career Day. Colleges, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), WCTV, Department of Justice (DOJ),…
JMPHS Bass Bandits compete in Harris Chain Lakes tournament
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com Members of the James Madison Preparatory High School (JMPHS) Bass Bandits competed in the Harris Chain of Lakes- Summer Trail Qualifier #2 on Saturday, March 8, and Sunday, March…
Nu Omega Omega Chapter offers scholarships to two 2025 seniors
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Nu Omega Omega Chapter is offering two high school seniors a 2025 college scholarship. Eligible students must be graduating from a Madison County high…
Madison County band receives overall excellent
Belinda Albritton news@greenepublishing.com On Thursday, Feb. 13, the Madison County High School (MCHS) Jazz Band took the stage at the Rickards High school Auditorium for their Jazz Music Performance Assessment (MPA). After…
Kiwanis Club of Madison offers high school seniors a scholarship
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com The Kiwanis Club of Madison is offering Madison County high school seniors a scholarship. This scholarship is open to any high school seniors who live in Madison County and…
NFC announces partnership with Florida A&M University “Start at NFC, finish at FAMU”
North Florida College Contributor North Florida College (NFC) is proud to announce the launch of Ignite, an exciting new admission program in partnership with Florida A&M University (FAMU). This initiative offers eligible…
MCHS holds recruitment informational meeting
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com Madison County High School (MCHS) is holding a recruitment informational meeting for interested people on Wednesday, March 19, from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. in the MCHS Media Center,…
NFC President to step down in December
North Florida College Contributor Dr. John Grosskopf, the eighth president of North Florida College (NFC), has announced the difficult decision to step down from the presidency in December due to health concerns….
Lee Elementary School announces their students of the week
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com Lee Elementary School (LES) recently announced their Star Students of the Week for the week of Monday, Feb. 17. Congratulations to all the LES Star Students of the Week!
Josie Driggers named to Radford University’s Fall 2024 Dean’s List
Radford University Contributor Josie Driggers, from Madison, has been named to the Fall 2024 Dean’s List at Radford University. Appearing on the Dean’s List is the most prestigious academic recognition Radford University…
Emily Grosskopf graduates from Emporia State University
Emporia State University Contributor Emily Anne Grosskopf, of Lee, was one of nearly 400 students who graduated from Emporia State University in December 2024. Grosskopf graduated with a Master of Library Science…
VSU announces fall 2024 graduates
Valdosta State University Contributor Valdosta State University (VSU) is proud to announce the members of its graduating class of Fall 2024. Kimberly Joseph, of Madison, earned the Bachelor of Science in Psychology,…
MCCS invites guest speakers to talk about literacy week
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com Literacy Week was celebrated from Monday, Jan. 27, through Friday, Jan. 31. This year’s Literacy Week theme for “Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida!” was “Building Literacy: Constructing the Foundation for…
Erin Burnett awarded dual enrolled student of the month
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com North Florida College (NFC) offers a Dual Enrollment program that allows students to earn college credits while still in high school and at no cost. The NFC Office of…
Bass Bandits compete at Lake Seminole
Leah Androski reporter@greenepublishing.com The James Madison Preparatory High School (JMPHS) Bass Bandits recently traveled to Lake Seminole, in Bainbridge, Ga., and competed in the Winter Trail Qualifier’s on Saturday, Feb. 1, through…
Madison salutes teachers
Rick Patrick rick@greenepublishing.com Each year, the Madison County Foundation for Excellence in Education honors educators from across the school district during the Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Banquet. This year, the banquet was…
Three Madison students participate in Honor Band
Ady Hammock news@greenepublishing.com On Saturday, Feb. 1, after days of preparation and long rehearsals, three band students from Madison travelled to Lawton-Chiles High School in Tallahassee to participate in the annual Big…