March is National Nutrition Month, an observation launched in 1973 to bring attention to the American public of the impact good nutrition has on our health and well-being. To celebrate the monthly observance, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has adopted the theme, “Put Your Best Fork Forward.” This year, Americans are encouraged to make small changes one forkful at a time. UF/IFAS Extension Service has always been a part of the educational effort for National Nutrition Month.
Understand, the food we eat has a tremendous impact on our health. The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasizes small changes; one at a time can make a great impact on your eating habits. Choose a wide variety of different foods from all of the food groups to supply the nutrients your body needs for growth and maintenance.
During the month of March, challenge yourself to enjoy a variety of food, try foods you haven’t tasted before and make healthy choices. A great place to start is to substitute high calorie potato chips and sodas with fruit, veggies and low-fat dairy foods to fill those in-between meal snacks.
If you don’t eat breakfast, start a new habit. Try eating before you leave the house in the morning. Research shows that people are more alert and able to concentrate on the morning’s work when they have eaten breakfast. Breakfast can be as simple as toast with peanut butter or cheese and a glass of orange juice. Try making a yogurt and fruit parfait; sprinkle a tablespoon of raw oatmeal between each layer and you’ll have food from three food groups.
The other healthy lifestyle habit that goes along with healthful eating is to be physically active each day for at least 30 minutes. Walking is a great way to get started; it’s free and is a great stress reliever at the end of a workday. Every type of physical activity counts, things like gardening, house work, home repairs or washing the car all burn calories and work muscles.
A great tool to help improve your eating habits and increase physical activity is to use the MyPlate website at for health and nutrition information and tips. Fill half of your plate with your favorite fruits and vegetables; keep protein portions lean and keep them around three ounce servings; make at least half of your grain choices “whole grain.” Be sure to include low-fat or fat-free dairy foods. In addition to tips and recipes, there is Supertracker, a tool where you can set up an account to record daily food intake and physical activity.
We enjoy an abundance of food in our country and it’s a variety from all of the food groups that contribute to our health and well-being. As we celebrate National Nutrition Month, remember to put your best fork forward!
The University of Florida IFAS/Extension is an Equal Opportunity Institution.