Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte seems to be unhappy with the Catholic Church and has said he would resign if anyone can prove God exists. Just last month he said God was stupid. Which is it? God cannot be stupid and not exist at the same time. And if He does exist, it would be foolish to call Him stupid.
If this is an example of atheistic reasoning don’t expect to talk me out of my faith. Atheists appeal to reason because they think it displaces faith; they think the two are mutually exclusive. The truth is both exist within everyone. The question is not whether reason supplants faith; the question we should be asking is your faith reasonable, because everyone has a belief system that cannot be proven.
It is significant to note that Duterte did not stake his presidency on his ability to prove God does not exist, because he can’t. The person who believes God does not exist believes something he cannot prove.
An atheist wrote that “atheists do not believe in believing,” but that is a complete lie. They believe there is no God or an afterlife, but cannot disprove either, all they can say about such things are what they believe, because they have no proof. The atheist does “believe in believing.”
The difference between the Christian and the atheist is the Christian is honest about what he believes. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen,” Hebrews 11:1. Faith is believing in things that cannot be “seen.” An atheist believes in things that cannot be seen also, he merely attempts to cloak what he believes in reason.
Ravi Zacharias has said, “God has provided enough evidence to make it reasonable to believe Him; yet has left enough out that we cannot come to Him by reason alone; we must come by faith.”
There is enough observable design in the natural realm to deduce an intelligent designer, but He has designed things in such a way that it still requires faith, a trust in His word, to know Him. And if one is unwilling to even admit He exists, how can that one expect to know Him.
The fact that God exists is innate. Paul speaking of unbelievers declares, “that which is known about God is evident within them,” Romans 1:19. Atheism is not so much a denial of God’s existence as it is an expression of their frustration that God does not act in a way that they think He should.
They would serve God if they could do so in an advisory capacity, but they refuse to yield to a God they believe is “stupid” and fail to consider their judgment is imperfect or impaired.
C. S. Lewis said, “I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” That statement for one who believes has the ring of reason.