Gary B. King Guest Columnist
CharismaNews was quick to report that J. D. Greear, President of the Southern Baptist Convention, said God can still speak audibly today. What Greear said was he would not “put God in a box” saying what He can or cannot do and went on to explain the primacy of the Scriptures as God’s way of speaking to us today. I believe CharismaNews saw his comments as bolstering their continualist beliefs.
About a month before, a story about Pastor Rick Warren, bestselling author of “The Purpose Driven Life,” was published.
When Rick and his wife, Kay, started Saddleback Church, times were lean. They wanted to take a short vacation but had little money. Kay’s parents had a trailer near Flagstaff, Ariz., so they loaded up their 25-year-old station wagon and set out for Flagstaff.
Well into their trip, they were stopped by a police officer who told them their left rear tire was so bald it might blow at any time. He said there as a gas station thirty miles up the road. When Rick and Kay arrived, the owner told Rick he had no tires.
While contemplating their predicament, an older couple pulled up to get gas. They had a Mississippi license plate and Rick struck up a conversation with the man. He and his wife had left Mississippi going to Seattle and were returning after going by the Grand Canyon through Arizona.
He asked Rick what he did for a living and Rick told him he was a pastor. The man replied he was a deacon at his church in Mississippi, so Rick explained his situation and asked him to pray for him. The deacon said, “Wait a minute,” and pulled out a tire from the back of his station wagon.
The tire was a perfect fit for Rick’s car. Then the man told Rick when he and his wife left for Seattle they had stopped in Missouri to fuel up and God had told him to buy this tire. He bought the tire even though it didn’t fit his car and carried it throughout their trip. He gave the tire to Rick thinking this is why God told him to buy it.
I agree with J. D. Greear, a lot of evil has been done by people claiming God told them to do this or that, but I also believe a lot of good has been done by those who have truly heard God. I think Rick would agree.
While some debate if God still speaks or how He does, I believe He still speaks as He always has. The sovereign God who answered prayer and conversed with His saints in the past has not become a deaf-mute today.
When God called to Samuel, he replied, “Speak, for Your servant is listening,” (1 Samuel 3:10). I think God still speaks in a number of ways. What concerns me is not how or if God still speaks today, but if we are, like Samuel, listening and obeying.