Gary B. King: Guest Columnist
I read through my Bible about every eleven months. On February 25, 2016, I started my fifty-first reading of the Scriptures and finished this past January 26, 2017. I promptly started my fifty-second reading the next day January 27, 2017, and I anticipate finishing around December of this year.
I am not bragging or trying to set a record. George Mueller said he read through his Bible over 200 times in his lifetime. I am an avid reader because I like to read, and the Bible is the book I like to read most. The reason I am writing about this is I want people to know reading through the Bible in a year is doable.
I read about five chapters every morning Monday though Friday. My longest time reading is when I get to Psalms 116 through 120, because Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses. It takes me a little over twenty-two minutes reading leisurely. My average daily reading time is only about twelve minutes.
My point is it does not take a great commitment of time to read through the Scriptures. It only takes a little discipline. So why do I continually read through the Bible? That is a fair question.
First, I do it for me. Paul told Timothy, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15. I like knowing firsthand what I believe and why I believe it. I do not like to depend on hearsay for something so important.
Like most of us ,I’m forgetful. I have heard enough people replace their memory of what the Bible says with their imagination, and I don’t want to be one of them. My memory needs refreshing probably more than most, so my daily reading is a great reminder of what is true.
I also find my attention drawn to details or specifics in my reading that I overlooked before. And as I mature in Christ, passages that were once difficult to understand become clearer. Thinking about what I read helps me to slow down life’s pace, because reading and thinking breed patience.
Reading the Scriptures daily helps me keep a divine perspective of life and history as events unfold. We so often see events through the lens of time and God sees all things through the lens of eternity, and we need this eternal perspective so that we do not lose our way in time. We can become baffled if we fixate on our own snapshot in time unless we see it blended into the backdrop of eternity.
I have said that common sense is not as common as it once was. Common sense is, in a manner of speaking, another term for wisdom, and the Word of God is loaded with sensible wisdom.
And last, but I am positive is least, I am a real whiz at Bible Trivia.
Gary B. King welcomes comments or questions and can be reached at Christian Concepts are archived at