City Manager Jerome Wyche
The city will begin replacing approximately 900 existing water meters throughout the City of Madison, beginning in January of 2024, at no cost to the citizens. The water meter replacements will not affect everyone in the city, as a great proportion of them have already been replaced. The new water meters are Automatic Read Meters (ARM) that are designed to enhance efficiency in meter reading, tracking and detecting water leaks and accuracy in computing water usage.
Ferguson Waterworks, the contracted installer, will be placing door knockers at the residences that will undergo replacement. The technological upgrades and system enhancement of the water meter replacements are funded under the State Revolving Fund (SRF) at a cost of $636,646.14. The water meter replacement project is expected to take approximately 6-8 weeks, weather permitting. The water meter replacements are only one of several infrastructure projects in which the City of Madison is engaged.
Citizens are kindly requested to cooperate with the water meter installers and allow installers to access your property to install the new meters. The installation process is expected to take no more that 30-45 minutes per residence to install. Citizens that will be affected can expect their water to be turned off for this short period of time. When the new meters have been installed and your water is turned back on, you may have some discoloration. If this happens, please run your water until it clears up. If you have pets that are aggressive, please consider securing them until the installation is complete. If there is a need for further information, please contact City Hall at (850) 973-5081.