Thursday February 27
Join the Edge of Town, located at 8289 E U.S. Hwy. 90, in Lee, for a fun night of night of Bingo from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Five games of three cards are each split with the Madison County Chamber of Commerce as a fundraiser. Bonus game of winner takes all. Cards are $2 each or three for $5. Ticket purchases are non-refundable.
Friday February 28
Join the community of Greenville at the Historic Ray Charles Childhood Home, located at 483 SW Ray Charles Ave., in Greenville, for Ray’s Friday Night Fish Fry. At this event, there will be food, fun and yourselves. There will be live music provided by student musicians from Florida A and M University. You are encouraged to bring a lawn chair, towel or seat. Entry for this event is a free fish dinner. Tickets for Ray’s Friday Night Fish Fry are $20 each. The money raised will go towards preserving the Historic Ray Charles Childhood Home.
Saturday March 8
Madison County’s Local Market is back from at 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at Madison County Courthouse Lawn, located at 125 Range Ave., in Madison. There will be craftsmen, farms, food trucks and many more vendors present. At Madison’s Local Market you can walk through various vendors while getting a taste of what Madison offers. To register for a vendor spot visit For more information, visit or call the Madison County Chamber of Commerce at (850) 973-2788.
Monday March 10
Grumpy’s Diner on Main, located at 244 SW Range Ave., in Madison, is hosting another night of Bingo from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Five games of three cards are each split with the Madison County Chamber of Commerce as a fundraiser. Bonus game of winner takes all. Cards are $2 each or three for $5. Ticket purchases are non-refundable. To register for this event, please visit
Tuesday March 18
Greene Publishing, located at 1695 S SR 53, in Madison, is hosting Chamber Business After Hours from 5 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Wear Green(e) to be entered in a drawing.
Saturday March 22
Join the Big Bend Hospice and Alzheimer’s Project for Caregiving with Heart: Support for Hospice and Alzheimer’s Families from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Old West Florida Enrichment Center, located at 2344 Lake Bradford Rd, in Tallahassee. Admission is free. Please register by Friday, March 7, for this event. There will be a breakfast and lunch provided, with raffle, door prizes and live entertainment.
Thursday March 27
The Edge of Town, located at 8289 E US Hwy. 90, in Lee, is hosting a Bingo Night from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. There will be five games of three cards each split with the Madison County Chamber of Commerce as a fundraiser. Bonus game of winner takes all. Prices for cards are $2 or three for $5. Ticket purchases are non-refundable.
Every Tuesday of the month
Every Tuesday at noon, the Lions Club holds its weekly meeting at Mother's Soup Company. At the meetings, they welcome new members and discuss community related topics. Mother's Soup Company is located at 671 E Base St., in Madison.
Every Wednesday
Every Wednesday, the Madison Rotary Club meets at 12 p.m. in the Ave Maria Hall of St. Vincent dePaul Catholic Church, located at 301 N Orange Ave., in Madison. For more information, contact Chad Arnold, Secretary, at or call (850) 673-8201.
Every Thursday
The Madison Public Library holds their Preschool Story Time every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Movies, crafts and games are sure to entertain and delight. The library is located at 387 College Loop, in Madison.
Second and fourth Friday of every month
Mad Talkers Toastmasters Club meets every second and fourth Friday of the month from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., at the Madison County Chamber of Commerce Office Board Room, located at 182 NW College Loop, in Madison.
Every Third Saturday
Compassion in Action Crusade is held the third Saturday of every month, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This event has free food, drinks, clothes and more to give away, including prayer. Compassion in Action is held at 177 SW Horry Ave., in Madison. For more information, please visit
Second Wednesday of the month (September-May)
The 55-Plus Club Luncheon and Program is held the second Wednesday of the month, at 12 p.m., at the United Methodist Cooperative Ministries Center, located at 135 NE Dill St., in Madison. No reservations are needed to attend and the program is open to all in Madison who are 55 years of age or older.
Second and Fourth Thursday of every month
The Kiwanis meet the second and fourth Thursday of every month, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. This meeting is held at the Madison County UF/IFAS Extension Office Meeting Room, located at 184 NW College Loop, in Madison.
Every first and third Tuesday
The food pantry at Fellowship Baptist Church is open on the first and third Tuesday of every month, for those in need, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Any individual wanting to donate can drop donations off during the food pantry's hours or contact Christy Bass-Adams at (850) 673-9764. Fellowship Baptist Church is located at 1997 NE Colin Kelly Hwy., in Madison.
Every Sunday and Wednesday
The College and Young Pros of Madison First Baptist Church meet every Sunday, at 9:45 a.m., and Wednesday, at 8 p.m. These young adults would love for you to join them. The church is located at 134 SW Meeting St., in Madison.
Every Wednesday
Awanas is underway for Fellowship Baptist Church. All children aged two years old to fifth grade are welcome to attend. Awanas is held from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday nights. Fellowship Baptist Church is located at 1997 NE Colin Kelly Hwy., in Madison.
Every second and fourth Thursday
The Titus 2 Ladies Bible Study group at Fellowship Baptist Church meets every second and fourth Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Childcare will be provided to those that need it for the meeting. Fellowship Baptist Church is located at 1997 NE Colin Kelly Hwy., in Madison.
Every fourth Tuesday
The Shepherd's Hands of the Suwannee Valley continues to offer their free medical clinic at Madison First Baptist Church every fourth Tuesday of each month, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Volunteers are needed to assist in the ministry. The church is located at 134 SW Meeting St., in Madison. For more information, call (850) 973-2547.
Every Tuesday
Celebrate Recovery is held every Tuesday night at Fellowship Baptist Church, in Madison, from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. This Christ-centered recovery program is open to the public. Fellowship Baptist Church is located at 1997 NE Colin Kelly Hwy., in Madison.