Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc.
Community Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 28, on Wally Davis' farm, located at 5757 NE Rocky Ford Rd., in Madison. This yearly event, which begins at 10 a.m., is sponsored by area churches and volunteers coordinated by Timmy Dykes. Dykes is in the planning stages for this year's event and is in need of additional cooks, volunteers, and financial support. Churches or civic organizations are welcomed to provide booths for items, such as: cotton candy, peanuts or gospel tracts to give away. This is a great opportunity for advertising various ministries and services offered to the community.
Everyone in attendance will be treated to a free lunch, including ribs, chicken and several trimmings. Music, ministry, and fellowship will be in ample supply throughout the day. Also, Dykes hopes to have a truckload of groceries ready to give away during the outreach. Community Day is all about the body of Christ coming together and joining in the shared vision and purpose of bringing Christ to all who are within their reach. If you would like to help or contribute to Community Day, contact Timmy Dyke at (850) 464-8107, or Wally Davis at (850) 673-6630.