Halie Wetherington
The Madison County High School (MCHS) FFAchapter has been very busy this year attendingconventions and winning awards. As the year comes toa close, one more award was given to a member whodemonstrated leadership and class throughout the year,representing the chapter well. Miss FFA was awarded toChelsey Crooks, a senior at MCHS. The senior waselected by her peers for this award. “I grew up listeningto the wonderful stories that my dad told about how FFAimpacted his life,” said Vice President Crooks. “I havelearned many lifelong skills by being a member of FFA.I love everything about FFA and wouldn't change athing. It means so much to me and has made me theperson I am today.” Not only was Crooks elected asMiss FFA, she also recently traveled with other membersto the American National Convention in Indianapolis, Ind.
Congratulations to Miss FFA
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