About 3,500 Americans die each year in fires and about 18,300 are injured. Many of them might be alive today if they had only learned what to do if there is a fire. Thanksgiving is a time for family dinners and remembrance; don't let it become a reminder of a tragic fire or injury. Follow these tips to help keep you safe.
Unattended cooking occurs when a person starts cooking food on the stove and then leaves the kitchen and does not pay attention to the food. A fire can occur quickly when food is left unattended.
Cooking fires can happen fast! Even a small cooking fire causes considerable damage to the kitchen area due to smoke and heat. Follow these easy tips to safe cooking
Watch what you heat: When frying, grilling or broiling and stay in the kitchen while the food is cooking. Turn off the stove if leaving the kitchen, even for a short time.
Stay alert: When a person is not alert, food may overcook and cause a fire. Don’t cook if you are drowsy, have been drinking or are taking medications. Avoid excessive use of alcohol, medications that cause drowsiness and illicit drug use.
Keep things that can catch fire away from heat: Move anything that can catch fire away from the stove or appliance. Keep things that can burn off of the stovetop. Wear clothing with sleeves that are short, close fitting or tightly rolled up. For clothing fires remember: STOP, DROP AND ROLL.
Know what to do if you have a cooking fire: When in doubt, get out of the residence and close the door in order to contain the fire. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number after leaving the house or apartment. Keep oven mitt and lid that fits the pan nearby. NEVER USE WATER ON A GREASE FIRE! Wear an oven mitt and smother the fire by carefully sliding the lid over the pan. Turn off the burner and do not move the pan.
Keep kids away from cooking area: Have a “kid-free zone” of three feet from the stove or appliance. Never hold a child while cooking, drinking or carrying hot foots or liquids.
Prevent scalds and burns: Place objects so they cannot be pulled or knocked over. Turn pot handles away from the stove’s edge. Open microwaved food slowly, away from the face to avoid scald burns.
Have working smoke alarms: Prevent nuisance alarms during cooking by not installing smoke alarms in the kitchen. Do not disable your smoke alarm or take out the batteries.
Any group(s) that would like to have someone come out and speak about any fire safety topic please contact Chief Bruce Jordan (850) 253-5117 or email: bruce.jordan@cityofmadisonfl.com. Information provided by www.nfpa.org.