On Wednesday, May 13, the Madison County Board of County Commissioners came together for their bi-monthly meeting. After adopting the agenda, the board welcomed petitions from the public. First, Gary Abbott, pastor of Corinth Baptist Church in Jasper, Fl., requested his church be allowed to place clothing receptacles at 13 disposal sights around Madison County, with the intent to place collected items in their thrift store. All profits, according to Abbott, would go towards Corinth Christian School, a branch of Corinth Baptist. The board agreed to allow County Attorney, Tom Reeves, to meet with Jerome Wyche, Solid Waste and Recycling Coordinator, and discuss guidelines for the disposal bins to be presented for approval at the next meeting. However, the textile disposal conversation was not over. Shane Clark, of the company, Recyclable Textile Management (RTM), approached the board with the intent to inform them of the green recycle bins the company has placed at various privately owned businesses throughout the county. His goal was to inform them of what the company stands for, that they are a for-profit organization and the company, honoring the suggestion of Jerome Wyche, wished to follow any guidelines the county chose to establish in regards to the bins. According to RTM's website, their goal is to research and strategize intelligent ways to make the textile recycling process more efficient and to discover how to better collect other recyclable materials. Wyche added that the addition of the recycling bins would prevent citizens from disposing of their textiles and adding to landfills, affecting the environment in a positive manner. The board agreed to meet at another time to discuss possible regulations. After the board consented the agenda, it was time for the public works' report. Lonnie Thigpen, Road Department Coordinator, approached the podium, informing the board of a request from a citizen for the county to provide maintenance on SW Alaska Way in Greenville, where the two-rut dirt road has suffered weathering and damage, holding water. The board unanimously voted to authorize public works to fill the hole with excess dirt which, according to Thigpen, would most likely solve the problem. New business included the approval of an interlocal agreement between Madison County and the Town of Greenville, presented by Town Manager, Jim Parrish. As part of Greenville's CDBG grant application, the interlocal agreement is required, establishing Greenville will build and maintain a new sewage plant outside city limits, assuring the county of Madison would not be held liable or responsible for maintenance. The board unanimously voted to accept the interlocal agreement. Next, George Blevins presented a proposal for a new fire station in Sirmans, informing the commissioners on the funds available and the funds still needed to pay for the endeavor. The county voted to allow Blevins to begin the construction bid process, agreeing to address monetary figures at a later date. Afterward, Emergency Management Director, Tom Cisco, presented a request for qualifications for updating the LMS Plan. The board unanimously voted to approve the qualifications. Then, Cisco announced his resignation from his position at Emergency Management after five years of service. He stated that he has simply found a better opportunity elsewhere. The board thanked him for his service. Lastly, the board approved the scope of work for the Madison Soil and Water Conservation District Conservation Technician according to the Best Management Practices Implementation. The next County Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27 at 4 p.m. at the Madison Courthouse Annex. Let your voice be heard.
County Commission round up
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