Rick Patrick: Greene Publishing, Inc.
The Madison County High School (MCHS) varsity tennis team will host a doubles tennis tournament on Saturday, April 6. Tournament play will begin at 9 a.m.
The tournament will be played in a "round robin" format. Teams will be determined based on a drawing. The teams will play for a set amount of time. When time is called, all current games will be completed. At that point, totals will be reported and everyone will be placed with a new partner. This cycle will continue for a set amount of time, depending on turnout. At the end of the tournament, winning games will be totaled. The highest point total for male and female players will be crowned champions.
The entry fee for the tournament is $25 per person. Proceeds will be used to purchase letter jackets, as well as equipment and supplies for the team. Each tournament participant will receive a complimentary t-shirt.
For more information, please contact MCHS tennis coach Brigitte Gudz at (850) 973 7191, or by email at brigitte.gudz@mcsbfl.us.