A vehicle rolled over on Tuesday, June 16 around 4:40 p.m., on Interstate 10 at mile marker 258 after the driver fell asleep. According to the Florida Highway Patrol report, the driver, Lexa Botardo, of Colorado Springs, Colo., was traveling eastbound on I-10 in her 2011 Honda CR-V. Botardo stated that she was tired and fell asleep at the wheel. The vehicle rolled over and came to a final rest on the shoulder. Lexa Botardo and her passenger, Alexis Botardo, also of Colorado Springs, Colo., received no injuries.
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1. Greene Publishing, Inc. Photo By Jessie R. Box, June 16, 2015 A driver fell asleep at the wheel and rolled over on I-10 at mile marker 258 on Tuesday, June 16.