Emerald G. Parsons: Greene Publishing, Inc.
For the last several years the media has been feeding off the frenzy of police brutality and how “awful” law enforcement is, as a whole. The nation seems to be screaming that law enforcement is against mankind. We even began seeing some of our political heads and “famous” singers/athletes take a stand against our “men in blue/green.”
Then the ambushes began … Police officers being shot and killed for no reason. The latest shooting fatality occurred in New York City, just three weeks ago on July 4.
We have people screaming and cursing law enforcement and insinuating that our police forces are corrupt. Groups gather and march in protest chanting offensive sayings against law enforcement. But yet, when these same people find themselves faced with an emergency or when scared for their lives … who will they call for help? The very men and women who they hate on today; that’s who!
In July 2016, in Dallas Tx., a gunman opened fire during a Black Lives Matter protest. The gunman was shooting directly at police officers, in hopes of killing as many as he possibly could. That night, as the shots rang out, there were two groups of people defined – the brave and the cowardly. While the protesters ran from the gunshots, the policemen ran towards them. They ran towards gunshots in order to protect the very ones who were just chanting the offensive slurs.
When you wake up every morning and go to work, how do you get dressed? I put on a dress and high-heels. Some of you put on a mechanics uniform. Some of you put on scrubs and some of you put on a fireman’s uniform. Yet there are a few men and women out there that have to strap a gun to their side in order to even report to their job. That gun is what hopefully keeps them alive throughout their day, so that they make it home safely to their family that night.
According to the Fraternal Order of Police, on average, between 105 and 203 officers die in the line of duty each year; 50,000 officers are assaulted in the line of duty each year; 14,000 officers are injured in the line of duty each year; and over 300 officers commit suicide each year. There is no other profession in the world, except possibly the military, where you will find these kinds of statistics.
According to statistics collected by the FBI, in 2015, 86 law enforcement officers were killed in line-of-duty incidents. Of these, 41 law enforcement officers died as a result of felonious acts, and 45 officers died in accidents. In addition, 50,212 officers were victims of line-of-duty assaults.
In 2016, 143 police officers lost their lives while in the line-of-duty. Over the last four years, the data indicate an approximate average of 40-50 of these officers were shot, stabbed, strangled or beaten to death each year.
Law enforcement officers (city police, county deputies, FHP, etc.) put their lives on the line EVERY DAY for us. The old saying, “don’t judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes,” would hold true for law enforcement. Don’t judge or criticize that officer, until you yourself have had to strap a gun to your side, each day, in order to serve and protect total strangers. Do not criticize an officer for the fact he might take a breakfast, lunch or dinner break (while working his 12-hour shift) because his next call might be your house, while it is being robbed. Your wife or daughter might call 911 because someone has broken in the house and is trying to rape them. He might be the one to pull you out of your burning vehicle after a car crash, or he might be the one who has to shoot the man stabbing you.
I once heard a police officer say, “We don't get paid for what we do every day - but what we MIGHT have to do.”
That, my friends, is EXACTLY what it is all about! Think about it!
I personally would like to take this time, and space, to thank all the law enforcement officers of this county. I thank you for what you do, have done, and MIGHT have to do one day.