So many times in life we are caught up in our feelings about what we don't have in life and miss so much of what we do have. So many times, we find ourselves thinking of all the materialistic things we think we need to be happy, and we seem to forget all the things that are truly the most important.
In order to be truly HAPPY in life, we don't NEED big houses, new cars, big screen televisions and all the new electronic gadgets. What we NEED is inner-peace. This can only be obtained by truly being happy with (and within) ourselves and our surroundings.
So many of us put the pressure of being made happy on others; our spouse, children or friends. It is not the job of our family and friends to make/keep us happy. Our own happiness is our own responsibility. Sure, our family and friends bring joy into our lives, however inner happiness can only be found through God and inner-peace.
Hebrews 13:5 says "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
The love of money does not always apply to "rich" people. The love of money (and the obsession over it) can apply to those who continually want and desire what they don't have.
Life should not be about what we have, but about who we are.
Learn to love yourself; be thankful for what you do have and find happiness within yourself and your surroundings.
The things we overlook as ‘simple' and ‘ordinary,' and that we take for granted, are truly the most wondrous things in our lives.
At the end of the day, when we go HOME, and EAT dinner, and sit on FURNITURE, in the HEAT or A/C, talk with our SPOUSE and play with our CHILDREN – those are some of the things that we seem to overlook on a daily basis.
So many people in this world do not have those luxuries. Why can't we thank God more often for what we do have, instead of blaming Him (or others) for what we don't have?
What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?
Think about it!