After four and a half years on the kidney transplant list, Lee resident Eric Welch is scheduled to receive his new kidney on Dec. 18. Eric was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease and a woman who wishes to remain anonymous but is in the Madison County community went to be tested and is a match. While this is a Christmas miracle for the Welch family, they still need the help of the Madison County community. After the transplant, Eric and his wife, Monique will have to stay in Jacksonville for four to six weeks so that Eric can have daily check ups to ensure he is not rejecting the new kidney. Their insurance coverage has changed and will no longer pay for their hotel stay. Eric and his family need $2,300 to pay for the hotel stay, medication and any additional costs. There is an account set up at the Madison County Community Bank under Eric Welch for anyone who would like to donate. “We would like to thank the community for all that you have done to support us,” said Monique.
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1. Greene Publishing, Inc. Photo By Jessie R. Box, November 14, 2014. Eric Welch will receive his kidney transplant on Dec. 18 but he still needs over $2,000. In the back, pictured from left to right, are: Eric Welch and his wife, Monique Welch. In the front, pictured from left to right, are: Eric and Monique’s daughters, Sierra (17) and Makayla (14).