Katie Krell
Youth from First Baptist Church (FBC) of Madison had a blast at “Super Summer,” from Tuesday, July 6, through Saturday, July 10. “Super Summer” is a Christian summer camp held at the Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center, in Leesburg, Fla.
The youth left from the church at 9 a.m. to drive to the camp, stopping for lunch along the way. After arriving at the camp, signing in and getting settled in cabins, they went to dinner and attended their first rally before splitting up into Bible study small groups based on the grade they just finished. Everyone went back to worship and then went with their church groups to read devotionals.
Days two through four had similar schedules to each other, starting with breakfast, quiet time and worship and then splitting for Bible study and recreation. After lunch, youth went to two breakouts of their choice, with both indoor and outdoor options such as paintball, sports track, ropes course, spiritual gifts and sharing your faith. Students then had free time to try out other activities, hang out in cabins or meet new people. They then had dinner, worship, church devotionals and more free time before lights out.
On day four, recreation was a little different. Instead of just doing activities, students participated in Mega Relay, competing against other small groups for the Fuge Cup. They had to work together as a team to complete activities such as the popsicle pushup, firemen's carry, flat pyramid and chariot race.
On the last day, students went to breakfast and one final rally, Bible study and worship. They then packed up their stuff, signed out and started heading home.