Nancy Taylor: Greene Publishing, Inc.
Fellowship Baptist Church sent a mission team to Alaska on Thursday, Aug. 3. The group included David Adams, David King, Ray Browning and Donald Yates. They went to serve at the Kokrine Hills Bible Camp (KHBC), located 350 miles North of Anchorage and 200 miles west of Fairbanks on the Yukon River, and is only accessible by boat or plane.
Drug, alcohol, sexual abuse, and suicide have been the norm for "village life." This negative village life environment has had a devastating impact upon the Native Alaska youth. Child suicides, child abuse (physical and sexual), and child drug and alcohol abuse rates are off the charts when compared to the lower 48 states. KHBC serves as a safe place where the Native Alaskan youth can go and receive the love of Christ. While at camp, the children experience unconditional love for the first time in their lives. Many of them have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The camp will serve about 200 kids over a period of four weeks.
Along with a crew from Texas and some volunteers from Alaska, the group was able to do some much needed work on the runway to help straighten it and to divert snow melt to help with erosion in the spring. The second project was siding a two story cabin along with finishing the interior of the cabin. The cabin will house a family that will assist with the upkeep of the camp.
According to the group of men who traveled to Alaska, it was a great week at camp. A lot of work was done, along with great fellowship. The only downside was the swarms of gnats where the men needed a head net in order to survive.
Anyone wishing to see more information about the camp can visit