Four FFA students were recognized at the 87th Florida FFA State Convention and Expo that was held in Orlando, Fl. from June 29-July 3. Lane Peavy and William Terry received State Degrees and Kimberly Sapp and Tyler Shadrick were recognized for earning American Degrees. They will receive their degrees at the National FFA Convention in September. To receive a State Degree, you must have received the Chapter FFA Degree; be an active FFA member; complete 360 hours of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level, which includes a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program; earned and productively invested at least $1,000 or worked at least 300 hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof, in a SAE program; demonstrated leadership ability; served as an officer, committee chairperson or participating member of a chapter committee; have a satisfactory scholastic record; participated in the planning and completion of the chapter’s Program of Activities; participated in at least five different FFA activities above the chapter level; and participated in at least 25 hours of community service, within at least two different community service activities. Lane Peavy earned a State Degree.
His SAE was for showing swine and cattle at the North Florida Livestock Show and Sale and numerous other shows. He has attended the following FFA leadership conferences: Chapter Officer Leadership Training, Florida Leadership Adventures, Chapter Presidents’ Conference and has also served as a member and delegate at State Convention and as a member at National Convention. He has partaken in the following Career Development events: livestock evaluation, tractor driving, agricultural mechanics and crop evaluation. Peavy said that FFA has impacted his life in so many ways. “It's changed me from the quiet boy I used to be to the ‘I’ve never met a stranger before’ type of guy.” He added that he now has the knowledge of all the technology systems, electronics and so on that deals with agriculture. “Florida FFA is awesome and I will truly miss zipping up my blue corduroy jacket. But the FFA will always be with me,” said Peavy. William Terry earned a State Degree. His SAE was working at Terry Farms growing soybeans, watermelon, corn and peanuts. He has attended the following FFA Leadership Conferences: Chapter Officer Leadership Training, Chapter Presidents’ Conference and has served as a member at State Convention and National Convention. He has also partaken in the following Career Development events: land evaluation and crop evaluation.
To receive the American FFA Degree, you must have received the State FFA Degree; be an active member; completed 540 hours of systematic secondary school instruction in an agricultural education (SAE) program; graduated from high school at least 12 months prior to National Convention; have an operation and have maintained records to substantiate an outstanding supervised agricultural experience program through which a member has exhibited comprehensive planning, managerial and financial expertise; earned and productively invested at least $7,500 or have earned and productively invested at least $1,500 and worked 2,250 hours in excess of scheduled class time; have a record of outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement; achieved a high school scholastic record; and participated in at least 50 hours of community service, within at least three different community service activities. Kimberly Sapp will receive the American Degree in September at the National Convention.
Her SAE was raising, showing and selling swine at the North Florida Livestock Show and Sale and the Florida State Fair, as well as raising and selling cattle. She has attended the following FFA leadership conferences: Chapter Officer Leadership Training, Chapter Presidents’ Conference, Florida Leadership Adventures, State Presidents’ Conference and served as a member and delegate at the State Convention and as a member at National Convention. She has also partaken in the following Career Development events: Creed speaking, livestock evaluation, crop evaluation and parliamentary procedures. Her agricultural community service includes: reading agricultural related books to children at Madison Academy, helped with general duties at the CARES Banquet, lead a group of kids around at Farm Day at Madison County Central School, presented a PowerPoint and spoke about the importance of agriculture to a classroom at Lee Elementary School and participated in the day of service at State Convention twice.
“The American Degree is the most prestigious degree that can be earned in the FFA so for that reason I am very proud and honored to receive this degree,” said Sapp. “The things I have done in order to receive this degree have taught me so many important attributes, such as: hard work, selfless leadership, public speaking skills, responsibility, information about the field of agriculture, earning and investing financially, establishing and maintaining relationships and so much more.” Tyler Shadrick will receive the American Degree in September at the National Convention. His SAE was showing cattle at the North Florida Livestock Show and Sale and working at A&D Farms growing blueberries. He attended the following FFA leadership conference: Chapter Officer Leadership Training and has also served as a member and delegate at State Convention and as a member at National Convention. He has also partaken in the following Career Development events: land evaluation and crop evaluation. His community service has been serving as a volunteer fireman for Madison County and leading a group of kids around at Farm Day at Madison County Central School. "The degree is just a piece of paper,” said Shadrick. “It was the work that went in to it that made me feel the most accomplished. Looking back on my time in the FFA I can honestly say it has been one of the best experiences I have ever had. FFA taught me more than just agricultural, it taught me how to lead and stand up for what is right. It taught me to be faithful in all I do. Most importantly FFA taught me that respect is just a word, your actions are the real story.”
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1. Photo Submitted Four FFA students received State and American Degrees at the 87th Florida FFA State Convention and Expo. Pictured, from left to right, are: FFA Advisor Ed Sapp, Tyler Shadrick, Kimberly Sapp, Lane Peavy and William Terry.