In spite of my best efforts, I feel that I am being dragged, kicking and screaming, into adulthood. I admit, at the ripe, young age of 62, one would think I had long since passed the mere “adulthood” mark and would be well on my way to “geezerhood.” There are times I feel much more “geezerly” than simply being an “adult.”
Recently, I have faced some challenges that are of the more adult type. Namely, ensuring that I continue to have a roof over my head. This was supposed to be something that was going to be a relatively easy process. But circumstances have dictated that it has become much more difficult than originally planned. Finding a suitable rental place here in our community has been quite the challenge. I could have stayed where I was, and that would have been an easy thing to do. But the expense of driving a 90-minute total commute each day for several years has taken its toll. I decided it was time for a change. Adding to all this was the notion that I was not making decisions just for myself, but for another person as well. I don’t mind that, but it is a consideration. So, with a firm deadline quickly making its way over my head, along with circumstances that simply did not happen the way I had anticipated, the past week has been a little nerve-racking, to say the least.
Right now, it does look a little brighter. Despite my original plan falling through, another plan could be falling into place. Fortunately, I do have a roof over our head lined up when we arrive back into town on Sunday, July 16 … I hope, at least.
A couple of days ago, I was telling a co-worker of my latest trials, tribulations and plans. He response was, “Awe, our Rick is finally becoming an adult.” I don’t remember exactly what my muttered response was. I’m sure I don’t need to be printing it here during one of our family-friendly visits.
So, yeah, this “being an adult” thing sometimes is not as much fun as it might appear at first glance. But, in time, I’m sure I’ll find that it does have a few advantages as well, even if I have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to enjoy them. Y’all be safe, here on the “Sunny Side.”