I saw a sign in a local eating establishment that said (and I may be paraphrasing here), “There is always a reason to be thankful.” As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I am reminded of just how true that statement is (unless, of course, you happen to be the Thanksgiving turkey). Even with the difficulties we have all faced during the past few months, we still have reasons and blessings for which to be thankful. The fact that you are reading this right now means you woke up this morning and are breathing. That alone is a reason for thankfulness.
I have known people and even have a few friends for whom being thankful seems to be a difficult chore. No matter the circumstance, they seem to see more “doom and gloom.” Most of you who know me, know that I am not that kind of person. No matter if the glass is perceived to be half empty or half full, I’m one that will happily drink what’s in the glass, thank the person who gave me the glass and ask for a refill.
Even in the difficult days we faced a couple of months ago, we were shown, first-hand, just how loving and compassionate folks can be toward people they have never met. People from all over descended upon our small town with food, help and warm smiles. For that alone, each and every one of us has substantial reason to be thankful.
If you are still reading this, that means you are obviously still breathing. That means you have been given another moment to enjoy whatever you enjoy. So, be thankful and go out and enjoy it. I’m looking forward to enjoying a nice, hot bowl of turkey soup, for which I will be truly thankful. Happy Thanksgiving every day, from over here on the “sunny side.”