Earlier this week, we saw yet another news report of a tragic school shooting, this time at a Christian school in Nashville, Tenn. As I was driving home on the afternoon of that event, I was listening to a news chat show. During the discussion, one of the women on the show said, “Children are being traumatized by armed security guards at their schools.” I won't repeat what I shouted at my radio. I will say that this misguided commentator could not be more mistaken, based on my personal experience with the School Resource Officers (SROs) serving the students in the schools of Madison County.
One thought I had was, “This woman clearly has never spent any time observing Madison County Deputy Niki Brunson and the students at Greenville Elementary School (GES).” I have had the privilege of observing Deputy Brunson interacting with the students from the school and when the students see her away from the school. More often than not, the youngster will give Deputy Brunson a big hug, which is readily reciprocated by the deputy. The students at GES are NOT traumatized by Deputy Brunson. I feel confident in speaking for the youngsters when I say, the students at the school genuinely love Deputy Brunson; and that sentiment is surely returned. One can easily see the love Deputy Brunson has for these children when you see her beaming smile when she speaks to them.
Yes, Deputy Brunson has a firearm on her belt. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Deputy Brunson would not hesitate for a second to use that firearm, if needed, to protect any of those youngsters she is sworn to protect. I, for one, am doggone grateful for that fact.
Deputy Brunson is just one example of the wonderful SROs we have in Madison County. I could easily mention others, such as the officer who saved the life of a young student at Madison County High School when the student showed signs of having heart problems. The SRO's quick action in helping the young man helped to avoid a tragedy.
No, you will never convince me that any of the students in any of the Madison County schools are “traumatized” by armed security guards. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The students see officers who are the epitome of positive role models for the students. I believe the only ones who have any fear of being “traumatized” by our SROs are those who would come to the schools with the intent of causing harm to any of the students.
I pray that nothing even remotely similar to the tragic events of the school in Nashville, or Parkland, Fla. or Columbine High School, in Colorado, ever happens in Madison. At the same time, I thank God for Deputy Brunson, and all her fellow officers of the Madison County Sheriff's Office. That's my take on things, here on the sunny side.

From the sunny side: Armed security
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