Yesterday afternoon we put the office Christmas tree up here at Greene Publishing, Inc. Of course, when I say "we," I mean primarily my co-workers. I merely observed and enjoyed. To be honest, I did have a previous appointment that called for me to leave that little chore to my fellow employees. I know that really isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of the universe. But I always enjoy the small reasons to feel festive during this time of year.
On my way out of the office, there was an on-going discussion about the lights and certain lights that were not working, "do we put the lights on from the top of the tree down or vice-versa," etc. The conversation immediately brought to mind memories of putting the Christmas tree up with my dad. My dad and I never argued about the proper way to assemble and decorate the tree. But the activity certainly illustrated our different personalities. My dad was a very meticulous person. I think that's why his chosen career field of mechanical engineering was such a good fit for him. I am not a meticulous person. Anyone who looks at my desk will quickly agree with that assessment. When we would get ready to put the lights on the tree, it was not a matter of simply stringing the lights onto the tree. First, the lights would be carefully stretched out on the floor one strand of lights next to another. Then, the lights would be tested, one strand at a time, to identify any bulbs that may be refusing to carry out their illuminant duties. Once all the lethargic luminaries had been dispatched and replaced with more enthusiastic bulbs, it was time to carefully place the light strands on the tree; starting at the bottom and going around the tree in a counter-clockwise fashion, weaving the lights to the inside and back out as you go. It was explained to me that the weaving of the lights in and out was a crucial step in the process. Later, when I was out and on my own, it may have been little surprise that when I bought a tree, it was pre-lit. When it came time to put the icicles on the tree, it was my style to simply throw the icicles in the direction of the tree and let them fall where they may. Kind of like throwing caution to the wind. Then, it was my mother who would raise her objections, saying the icicles must be carefully placed on the tree, one icicle at a time. I tend to prefer the excitement that icicle randomness brings.
All this may sound like decorating the tree was an unpleasant experience for me. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was an activity I looked forward to every year. We would always have stacks of Christmas records playing on the stereo and homemade hot chocolate available. I can honestly say that I do miss that.
Both my parents have passed on, but I am convinced that somewhere in heaven, a Christmas tree is going up this week with lights that are carefully strewn from bottom to top in a counter-clockwise fashion with lights weaving in and out along the way; and each icicle is carefully placed in just the right position. I hope your holiday season is a happy one, here on the sunny side.