Since I began my little adventure here at the newspaper, I've been called many things. Some of them actually good. Some of them not as good. I'm sure some of them can't be printed in a family-friendly publication. I even had one government person call me evil during a public meeting, while I was sitting right in front of him. I usually just laugh about it and let it roll right off my back.
This morning, I heard the president call me “extreme.” He said those who supported his predecessor were “the most extreme organization in the history of the country.” Now, I've never considered myself to be “extreme” anything. I think those who really know me would certainly agree. But the more I thought about the president's assessment of me, the more I began to think he could be right.
I am extremely thankful to be living where I am living today. This country may be far from perfect, but I don't see many people swimming in the other direction, trying to make their way to Cuba.
I am extremely concerned about how much damage has been done to this country in just a few months. I honestly did not think things would get this bad, this quickly. I'm not so dense to think it's all because of some virus or some “Poot-head” in Russia. The reason I'm having to pay an extra $10-$15 each time I fill up with gas is because of the anti-gas policies of the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., in Washington D.C., along with his buddies.
I am extremely disappointed when I hear this president say that because they are a “child of God,” then they have the right to kill other “children of God.” I've heard all the jazz about rape and incest and such. I'm not saying that can't be a somewhat valid argument, in those circumstances. I am also very sympathetic to circumstances where the mother's physical health would be put in direct peril if she were to carry out a pregnancy. I also believe those particular circumstances are the exception, rather than the rule. As unpopular as it may sound to some folks, I think the biggest reason many women want to kill their babies is mere convenience. They just don't want to be bothered with the inconvenience of having a baby, although they were probably more than willing to go along with the activity leading up to making the baby in the first place. I'm reminded of something Pat Patrick frequently told me, “If you don't want to go to Chicago, don't get on the bus.” I had a girlfriend who, during the full three and a half years we were together, always used oral contraceptives. She always told me “no.” It worked every time.
I am also extremely optimistic that we will survive all this. I am still a firm believer that there are many more good guys than there are bad. So, if the president wants to call me “extreme,” I can live with that. I've never had it as one of my life goals to strive for his approval, anyway. I would much rather strive for at least a bit of approval from y'all. If I can have that, then I will continue to be extremely peaceful when my head hits my pillow each night.