I am not one to allow the complaints of others alter what I do, especially when it comes to things that I do that really should not greatly affect others. Case in point, the fact that I like to listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies as soon as the weather hints at turning cooler. I had a friend tell me, “The Christmas music starts as soon as the last house is trick or treated.” I really like that way of looking at things.
I completely understand the thoughts of others. They say, “Don’t rush Christmas,” or “Give proper respect to Thanksgiving.” I was recently told, “Not until at least Dec. 1,” when the discussion turned to watching Christmas movies. Well, I’ll tell you a little secret. I started watching Christmas movies a couple of weeks ago. There, I said it, and I will stick by that. I figure, it’s my TV, I can watch what I want to watch, regardless of any Grinches among us.
I’m not trying to tell someone else how, what or when they should celebrate something. I have friends who insist on saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” That’s okay for them and I won’t criticize them for that decision. It doesn’t offend me when someone says, “Happy Holidays.” I’m always appreciative when someone wishes me “happy anything.” That is, unless they say, “I’m happy you’re on crutches!” That might not be the most pleasant thing to hear.
As for me, I will listen to my Christmas music, watch my Christmas movies and most of all, wish you all a “Merry Christmas” on the sunny side, however you decide to take it.