Well, it finally happened. I have at last been able to make a move and am now a resident of Madison County. It has not been without a fair number of challenges, but it has finally happened. I do like the idea of being only about five or ten minutes from work, rather than facing a 45-minute drive each way. I’m still in the process of “settling in” and it may take a little while to get into the groove of a new routine.
Part of that “settling in” process is having power put into my name at the new place. I was able to sign up for a “pay as you go” plan, which I do like. After paying a certain amount to the electricity folks, I simply monitor my electricity usage and pay more before the account reaches zero. I receive a handy reminder each day at 2 p.m. letting me know how much I used in the last day and how much is left in my account. Of course, I have to watch these numbers very carefully because if the account ever hits zero, I will be in the dark, literally.
This has caused me to watch air conditioner thermostats like a buzzard watching for road kill. I fully understand what my father meant when he said things like, “Are you trying to air condition the world?” I have even found myself having that same mindset. With these sweltering summer days, running the A/C does seem to get expensive. I keep reminding myself that the hot weather is temporary and that October is indeed on its way. I just may have to choose between a steady diet of peanut butter and jelly and staying cool. Right now, I am opting for staying cool. I also understand why my dad always had a jar of peanut butter in the pantry. It is cheaper than a fast-food hamburger.
No matter, I am happy to truly now call Madison County home. Home will always be here on the “Sunny Side.”