It may sound alarming and unusual, but there are times when I need to take my own advice. I am reminded of the adage, “Take my advice, I’m not using it.” This morning happens to be one of those times. I happen to have a great deal occupying the cobwebs that make up my mind. I am not going to get into a lot of detail here, mostly because it’s personal and completely my business. Not all of it has to do with the day-to-day stuff here at the newspaper that always seems to surface. Keeping up with the usual governmental meetings and the like can sometimes be stressful, especially with the shorter deadlines that an upcoming holiday brings. Then there are the issues outside the walls of Greene Publishing, Inc. that can weigh on a person’s mind. Items like, “How am I going to make sure that the ‘plus’ financial column outweighs the ‘negative’ financial column at the end of the month?” can cause a little breathlessness. Of course, the impending “holiday rush” looming just around the corner tends to add a little push to the anxiety level. Those are just a couple of things weaving their way through my mind at the present moment.
These are the times when I need to take a deep breath and realize that all the “stuff” is just “stuff,” and that it will work out in the end, just as it always does. I need to remember that I can do what I can do and I don’t need to attempt to “leap tall buildings in a single bound.” Being a “mild-mannered reporter” is really the only thing I have in common with Clark Kent. I have never claimed to be “faster than a speeding bullet or stronger than a steaming locomotive.”
So, right now, I am going to take that deep breath and realize the blessings that are abundant, here on the “sunny side.” I’ll let Batman take care of “truth, justice and the American way” for a little while.