This time of year always hits me in a funny way. While the kids are excited about summer break, graduation and the like, I feel almost like a kid on the day after Christmas. Much of the excitement of the holiday is past and a sort of “hangover” takes over. That’s the way I feel when baseball and softball seasons come to a close. Sure, I can get a hot dog and French fries anywhere, but it seems they take on a whole new flavor when they are mixed with the smell of clay.
So, here I am, facing the summer months with little to no sports to talk about. While many people enjoy the summer months and trips to the beach, I have never been much of a “beach” person. A fishing trip would be nice, but I haven’t had the opportunity to go fishing in years. Of course, like many of us who live in the Sunshine State, I will be keeping one eye on the tropics for any potential storms that may head our way. I’m sure hoping and praying that we are spared from a repeat of last year’s storm season.
The one saving grace is that I know that August and September are on their way. With that, of course, comes the thrill of football season. You can be sure I will be counting down the days until I can again enjoy the excitement of Friday night lights. Until then, maybe I can catch a little league baseball game. Only 89 more days to go.